• Council Agrees on New Rules for Patients' Rights in Cross-Border Healthcare

    The Council in charge of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs has agreed on a draft directive concerning the application of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare.  The draft directive aims to facilitate the access to safe and high-quality cross-border healthcare and to promote cooperation on healthcare between member states....

  • World's First Transcontinental Anaesthesia: Researchers Pioneer Anaestetics Via Videoconferencing

    Videoconferences may be known for putting people to sleep, but never like this. Dr. Thomas Hemmerling and his team of McGill's Department of Anaesthesia achieved a world first on August 30, 2010, when they treated patients undergoing thyroid gland surgery in Italy remotely from Montreal, Canada. The approach is part of new technological advancements,...

  • The Geographical Dimension of Hospital-Acquired Infections

    Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a constant battle for hospitals, often making the headlines. But how do these infections spread and what can be done to stop them? This article investigates the use of mapping tools for epidemiological investigation, which could allow for early warning and response for hospital infections. The Epidemiology...

  • Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Caused by High Risk Microorganisms

    Author Arzu Topeli, MD Director   Medical Intensive Care Unit and Division of General Internal Medicine Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Ankara, Turkey [email protected] Infection is a major problem in intensive care units (ICU) as it is the leading cause of death in non-cardiac ICUs...

  • Protecting Patients from Clostridium Difficile Infection

    Author Robert Orenstein , DO, FIDSA Associate Professor Department of Medicine Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Consultant, Division of Infectious Diseases Mayo Clinic in Arizona Phoenix, Arizona [email protected] Protecting patients from acquiring Clostridium difficile infection has become a major...

  • Facing the Press

    Imagine you are about to appear on TV to answer allegations over lapses in patient safety in your unit. You have never been on TV before, but you pride yourself on your communication skills. (You really know your subject and have been invited to lecture all over the world). In the studio, you find yourself competing for airtime against an earthquake...

  • Overview of Healthcare in the United Kingdon

    Healthcare in the United Kingdom (UK) is mainly provided by the National Health Service, a public health service, which provides healthcare that is free at the point of use to all permanent residents of the UK, and is paid for from general taxation. Though the public system dominates healthcare provision in the UK, private healthcare and a wide variety...

  • The English National PACS Programme

    Picture and archiving communication systems (PACS) are now embedded into the day-to-day work of the NHS in England. By December 2007 all hospital trusts in England were using PACS, digital imaging technology which enables x-rays and scans to be made available simultaneously at multiple locations within a hospital trust. PACS has been helping...

  • Clinical Research and the Delivery of Excellence

    Author Iain Mackenzie Consultant & Honorary Senior Lecturer Chairman, Critical Care Research Management Group Critical Care Medicine University Hospital Birmingham Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre Birmingham, UK [email protected] To many, the natural path to clinical excellence would lie through...

  • Critical Care in the United Kingdom

    Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at the University of Birmingham, Prof. Julian Bion also has an honorary consultant appointment with the University Hospital in Birmingham. He also has a number of high-profile national and international roles in the field of intensive care, including being an Editorial Board Member of ICU Management and is a former...

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