• 29th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (ISICEM)

    ISICEM 2009 welcomed more than 5000 participants from over 78 countries around the world to a buffet of controversial topics and debate. Here is just a taste of some of the topics covered at this years groundbreaking meeting: Tight Glucose Control: Yes or No?  The debate about tight glucose control continues. Hyperglycaemia is associated with...

  • Editorial

    For the last few decades there has been an increasingly louder and more urgent discussion underway in the healthcare sector –that of our aging population and moreover, the difficulties and costs involved with treating this expanding group of patients. As critical care managers we are faced with a growing challenge to maintain a high level of quality...

  • Scientists Discover Gene Responsible for Brain's Aging

    Will scientists one day be able to slow the aging of the brain and prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's? Perhaps -- at least once the genetic coding associated with neuronal degeneration has been unraveled. According to a new study published in The Journal of Neuroscience, a research team from the Université de Montréal, Maisonneuve-Rosemont...

  • Predicting Risk of Stroke From One's Genetic Blueprint

    A new statistical model could be used to predict an individual's lifetime risk of stroke, finds a study from the Children's Hospital Informatics Program (CHIP). Using genetic information from 569 hospital patients, the researchers showed that their predictive model could estimate an individual's overall risk of cardioembolic stroke -- the most common...

  • Pre-Hospital Therapeutic Hypothermia: Will it Save a Life

    Therapeutic hypothermia has emerged as one of the hottest topics in critical care medicine and although a few continue to debate the proven benefits of induced hypothermia, many have accepted its use as a treatment modality for multiple illnesses and injuries. As the benefit has become more evident within the hospital, practitioners have looked for...

  • A Matter of Cost or of Effectiveness?

    In this article, we will firstly present the case of two patients for whom, despite similar medical conditions, different therapies were advised, to highlight the inequality in access to medical technologies in Europe. Then, we will look at the matter of cost-effectiveness – are patients being differently treated in the same cases, due to financial...

  • Measuring Quality of Life

    Patients developing critical illness have been associated with substantial attributable mortality rates. However, it may drastically impact quality of life (QOL) as well. Therefore, intensivists should also be concerned with health status and functioning after discharge of the critical care department. In this overview, the impact of critical illness...

  • Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: What Every Manager Needs to Know

    Author Associate Hospital Director Teknon Medical Center Barcelona, Spain [email protected] also: Adjunct Assistant Professor Boston University School of Medicine Boston, US A The fundamental principle of economic analysis is that choices have to be made between alternative uses of resources, as there is a...

  • Report from the 2nd Therapeutic Temperature Management Congress

    The attention for the role of temperature in the development of tissue injury is increasing. Large observational studies show that development of fever is linked to an increase in the severity of neurological injury, and to an increased risk of adverse outcome in ischaemic stroke, subarachnoid haemorrhage, traumatic brain injury and post-anoxic injury...

  • Euroanaesthesia Meeting: Milan, Italy June 6th - 9th, 2009

    For the first time in 2009, the Euroanaesthesia congress will be held in Milan, Italy, at the Milano Convention Centre (MIC). This meeting, the largest anaesthesiology congress in Europe, will again have a large programme of intensive care topics. It will be organised once more under the leadership of Professor Gernot Marx, recently appointed to the...

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