• Cost-Effectiveness of Providing Quality ICU Care to Elderly Patients

    The Aging Population Creates an Ever-Increasing Demand for Quality Healthcare, Which has its Effect on Critical Care Services as Well. Limiting Care to the Elderly Would Raise Ethical Issues – so, it is Best to First Explore Whether Quality ICU Care is Cost-Effective or not? It is well known by clinicians that both expenditures on intensive care...

  • Some Thoughts on Intensive Care for Elderly Patients at the End of Their Lives

    Over the last decades, increasingly more elderly and often chronically ill patients are being cared for in hospitals during the last weeks or months of their lives. "Elderly patients" in this article refers to patients above 65 years of age. There are other cutoff ages used, yet with regards to treatment options and prognoses, the numerical age of...

  • The Importance of Understanding IT Values in Elderly Care

    Elderly care is one area where information technology (IT) is rapidly gaining ground. An increase in the number of elderly, and a demand for more advanced help and support, together with a desire to make it possible for the elderly to live in their own homes for as long as possible, force decision makers and healthcare professionals to develop better...

  • How to Save Lives and Influence People

    Dr. Peter Pronovost, Medical Director at the Center for Innovation in Quality Patient Care, Professor in the Department of Anaesthesiology/ Critical Care Medicine at Johns Hopkins University's School of Medicine and ICU Management Editorial Board Member explains to Sherry Scharff how one simple strategy has not only saved patients and improved safety...

  • The French Healthcare System

    Social Protection System The social protection system was created in 1945 aimed primarily at workers and their families. The expansion of health insurance coverage was implemented in stages during the 1960s. The Universal Health Coverage Act (CMU) concluded this process in 1999 by establishing universal health coverage. Today, three main health...

  • Governance and Geriatrics

    Can hospitals deal with an aging population and a rising prevalence of Alzheimer's disease? The new governance structure, Hospital 2007*, strives to meet this pressing challenge. It will undoubtedly produce other care sections, more gerontology networks, provide better support for the local hospital and regulations for general and regional hospitals....

  • Effective Organisation: National Union of Hospital Managerial Staff

    The National union of hospital managerial staff (SNCH) is an organisation, which exclusively represents managerial staff working in hospitals. The SNCH was founded in 1947 by head storekeepers. Gradually, it started accepting all hospital managerial staff, and now covers administrative and technical staff, as well as doctors and nurses. The definition...

  • Lung Injury Still Too Common in Ventilation, Measures for Protection Insufficient

    Ventilator-induced injury in the lungs is responsible for a vast number of deaths in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Even healthy surgical patients, who require temporary mechanical ventilation, are at risk of ventilator-induced lung injury. Although such injuries have been reduced tremendously over the last few decades, a new study suggests,...

  • Silver-Coated Endotracheal Tubes appear to Reduce Risk of Pneumonia Associated with Ventilator Use

    Among intensive care unit patients who require mechanical ventilation, use of a silvercoated endotracheal tube resulted in reduced incidence of pneumonia associated with ventilators, according to a report in the August 20 issue of JAMA. Ventilator-associated pneumonia is associated with longer hospital stays, increased health care costs and infection...

  • Anaesthesia Units (ECRI Europe)

    ECRI Institute is a totally independent nonprofit research agency designated as a Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization (WHO). Such organizations are appointed to contribute to WHO’s public health mission by providing specialized knowledge, expertise, and support in the health field to the WHO and its member nations. ECRI Institute...

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