• Agenda

    JUNE 30-1 July TCS-ECMO Paris, France paris-tcsecmo.org JULY 6-10 Annual International Best of Brussels Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency MedicinePune, India isccmpune.com 31 SAARC Critical Care Congress Sri Lanka https://iii.hm/38y...

  • Persistent Critical Illness

    A study of over 1 million ICU patients has found that just 5 percent of patients account for 33 percent of ICU bed days. The researchers, led by Theodore Iwashyna, MD, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Michigan (U-M) Health System and a member of the VA Center for Clinical Management Research and the U-M Institute for Healthcare...

  • Making the MAGIC

    Guiding Vascular Access Selection for Intensive Care - a Summary of Michigan Appropriateness Guide for Intravenous Catheters (MAGIC) Determining appropriateness for vascular access devices limits the risk of complications in critically ill patients. Michigan Appropriateness Guide to Intravenous Catheters (MAGIC) establishes evidence-based indications as...

  • Treating Complications from Abdominal Surgery

    Case Report Using Nonbronchoscopic BAL Use of the HALYARD* Mini-BAL Sampling Catheter proved invaluable in the case of a patient experiencing complications from abdominal surgery. Dr. Roberto Oggioni has been director of the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at S. Giovanni di Dio Hospital since 2012, and wrote up the case with colleague...

  • Clostridium Difficile

    A Public Health Threat That Should Be Routinely Included Within Care Quality and Patient Safety Programmes This paper provides an overview of the evidence confirming that CDI independently increases mortality risk in hospitalised patients, and argues for system-wide implementation of specific actions, including care bundles for management (not...

  • Implementation Challenges of Crew Resource Management

    Crew Resource Management (CRM) human factors awareness training is a useable tool in medicine and may fill a void in medical education curricula. Factors impacting CRM implementation into the clinical environment are identified. Human factors (HF) account for the majority of adverse events in highrisk environments, and human factors awareness...

  • Early Diagnosis and Prediction of Acute Kidney Injury

    penKid – A Dynamic Inflammation-Independent Biomarker Of Kidney (Dys)function Early recognition and close monitoring of acute kidney injury (AKI) is vital in the ICU, given AKI’s high prevalence and effect on length of stay and risk of re-hospitalisation and death (McCullough et al. 2013). As more becomes known about biomarkers, intensivists need...

  • An Introduction to Robots in Anaesthesia

    Technological advancement has made robots an integral part of several fields, including medicine. This article provides an overview of the application of robots to anaesthesia, highlighting recent developments. Pharmacological robots are closed-loop systems, able to precisely titrate the dose of anaesthetic drugs to a preset value, concerning hypnosis,...

  • Chain of Survival after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

    The Final Link The "Chain of Survival" Concept After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest To overcome a time-sensitive and severe condition with a low survival rate—out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA)—the following four links of the “chain of survival” concept were introduced by Newman in the 1980s (Newman 1989): Early access to emergency medical...

  • Potential Nutritional Strategies to Reduce Muscle Wasting in Early Critical Illness

    This review will briefly discuss the potential role of nutrition and the  schedule of delivery on reducing skeletal muscle wasting in early critical illness. Increasing numbers of patients are surviving critical illness due to treatment advances in the early management of acutely unwell patients. This survival advantage is reflected as an increase...

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