• Dietitians in Critical Care - A Fundamental and Evolving Role

    Nutrition in Critical Care Patients in the critical care setting are at risk of malnutrition (Heyland et al. 2011). The provision of nutrition support (enteral or parenteral) to critically ill patients is vital, but achieving the optimum quantity and balance is a contentious topic. There are two major and contradictory perspectives with respect...

  • Six Steps to Implement Bedside Ultrasonography in Critical Care

    A Roadmap to Rapid Improvements in Patient Safety This article will provide an overview of how to accelerate adoption of bedside ultrasonography, based on experience in a large hospital system. Developing an evidence-based ultrasound training programme and the economic benefits of proven safety practices, such as ultrasound-guided central venous...

  • Transforming Measurement into Understanding: Quantitative Bedside Decision Support

    Intensivists today are faced with a growing deluge of quantitative data, along with demands to implement evidence-based protocols of increasing number and complexity. The tools to support such implementation, including computerised decision support, have, however, seen only incremental development over the past decades. This article will attempt to...

  • Lung Protective Ventilation - Twinstream® Pulsatile Bi-Level Ventilation (P-BLV)

    The Twinstream® ventilator (Carl Reiner GMBH, Vienna, Austria) is an electricdriven microprocessor-controlled jet ventilator, which allows simultaneous application of two different jet streams (low frequency and high frequency), resulting in a pulsatile Bi-Level Ventilation (p-BLV) mode. ICU Management & Practice spoke to Prof. Dr. Gerfried Zobel about...

  • ARDS Still Under-Recognised, Under-Treated

    Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) seems to be underrecognised, under-treated and associated with a high risk of mortality, according to the results of the ESICM LUNG-SAFE observational study, published in JAMA . Speaking to ICU Management & Practice, John G. Laffey , MD, MA, of the Departments of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine,...

  • Close Monitoring of ECMO Patients with a Patient Dedicated Blood Gas Analyser

    In-Line Bedside Blood Gas Analysis Enables Rapid Results For Respiratory Support Management Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is an acute support system used to aid heart and lung function in patients with severe respiratory or cardiac failure. Having its origins in the operating theatre, the use of ECMO has now migrated into the ICU....

  • Effective Leadership in the 21st Century

    Keeping The Team Engaged Leaders know how to achieve goals and inspire people along the way. While the terms and definitions may change with the times, Jacqueline Jones writes in Radiology Management, Journal of the AHRA , that it is important to understand the skills and abilities needed to lead in the 21st century. Definition of Leadership...

  • Why Dose? And Why Now?

    RADIATION DOSE - THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ALL The demand for medical imaging examinations is constantly growing, making safety and quality in radiological practice and the risk of unnecessary radiation more important than ever. Public awareness and concern have grown across a wide range of media. People are worried, they receive conflicting, sometimes...

  • The Eurosafe Imaging Initiative

    ESR’S 12-POINT ACTION PLAN THAT PUTS QUALITY AND PATIENT SAFETY FIRST Birth of the EuroSafe Imaging initiative Since its launch in 2014 by the European Society of Radiology (ESR), the EuroSafe Imaging initiative has placed radiation protection at the forefront of efforts to improve quality and safety in medical imaging in Europe in the most...

  • How to Communicate Radiation Dose and Contrast Media Information

    Public awareness and concern about radiation safety has grown in the last few years, and concerns have been voiced about radiation dose, for example in breast imaging, across a wide range of media. Patients are concerned, as they receive conflicting, sometimes confusing information. Therefore good communication from the radiology department is essential....

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