• Editorial Board Members

    Promoting Management and Leadership in Healthcare Ima ging Editor-In-Chief P rof .   L luí s   Dono s o   Bac h Hospital Clinic – University Of Barcelona, Spain   Honorary Board Member   P rof .   I a in   M c c a ll UK (Retired)   Editorial   Board   Members   P rof .   St ephen   B aker

  • Big Drama in IT Security

    Recent Hospital Virus Attacks Trigger Call to Redefine IT Security Recent cases of cyber-attacks, intentionally breaching the security infrastructures of hospitals around the globe, have raised serious questions about how to tackle such malicious invasions. no matter if it was for financial gain or the simple thrill of having broken through the...

  • The Affidea Effect: A Global Dose Data Management System

    As the biggest independent provider of advanced diagnostic imaging services in Europe, Affidea owns and operates 170 medical centres and grows at a rate of (on average) one new centre every fortnight. As the company evolves, our owners Waypoint Capital want to turn it into the biggest global brand for diagnostic imaging and cancer care. The cornerstone...

  • Guest Editorial

    Cancer In 17 countries of the European Union, cancer has overtaken cardiovascular disease as the leading cause for premature death. In Europe in 2012, there were 3.75 million new cases of cancer, with 1.75 million deaths, equivalent to a cancer death every 20 seconds. Upward pressure on appropriate health spending and the needs of ageing populations...

  • Precision in the Fight Against the Global Cancer Problem

    Precision in medicine is a popular notion: precision to target an individual, precision to target a tumour, precision to target a molecule within a tumour. On occasion, this notion of precision no doubt evokes a crude analogy with images of the laser-guided missiles of war. As with modern warfare waged on any enemy, the war on cancer will use precision...

  • Point-of-Care US: A New Service Delivery Model

    Medical care in the Netherlands is organised through a gatekeeper, the general practitioner (GP). Originally, the GP would take care of the entire spectrum of medical care personally, in his or her office, often aided by a partner. When time and paperwork constraints made this more difficult, organisations sprang up that centralised medical diagnostics...

  • Iodinated Contrast Media: Risks and Best Practice

    The aim of administering contrast media in medical imaging is to improve image contrast and the diagnostic efficacy of the imaging examination being undertaken. Developments in the manufacture of iodinated contrast media have led to an increase in safety standards. However, the administration of iodinated contrast media still provides a potential...

  • Antimicrobial Copper Touch Surfaces: Reduce Infections, Liberate Resources and Cut Costs

    The role of the environment in the transmission of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) is increasingly recognised, requiring a new approach to the selection of materials for objects frequently touched by healthcare workers, patients and visitors that can serve as reservoirs of infection.  There are many technologies and materials on the market,...

  • ClinicalConnect Portal: Improving Patient Care and Efficiency

    Beginning in 1996, hospitals in the Hamilton, Ontario, Canada area started coming together to form Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS), a family of seven hospitals, a cancer centre and an urgent care centre, serving more than 2.3 million residents of Hamilton and South Central Ontario, Canada. HHS is the second largest hospital group in Ontario, and serves...

  • Insights Into Personality: Implications in Physician Profiles

    According to a scientific study published in 2013 by acclaimed NASA toxicologist Dr. John T. James, an estimated 210,000 to 440,000 people die each year due to preventable medical errors (James 2013). Further examination reveals that medical errors would then be the third largest cause of death in the United States (Allen 2013). A driving component...

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