• Appropriate Imaging and Clinical Decision Support

    "We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us” (McLuhan) Wasteful, unhelpful imaging helps nobody, and may be associated with patient harms through unneeded and unwanted intervention. Appropriate imaging through referral guidance is advocated through the Bonn Call-for-Action (International Atomic Energy Authority and World Health Organization...

  • Business Intelligence in Hospital Management

    Challenges and Opportunities Using the Example of a Radiology Department Management cannot work without defining and utilising key performance indicators (KPI) to control entire business procedures. This is also a must for the health management sector. Cuts in reimbursement, higher demand from patients and referring physicians combined with a permanently...

  • Health Economic Systems: How Do They Influence Radiology?

    Why do Healthcare Markets Fail? The Origin of Health Economics   In an ordinary market, the client uses their knowledge and the resources available in order to make purchases, which will cover their needs. Depending on their knowledge, their needs and the money that they possess, they compare prices and products in order to make informed decisions...

  • Big Data: Opportunities for Healthcare Organisations

    Healthcare organisations need to make much better use of the health data that they hold and to share that use with other organisations in order to scale up their learning opportunities and improve the quality and efficiency of the healthcare they provide.  At the level of the individual patient, guideline and decision support systems, notification and...

  • The Older Patient: Ehealth and Mhealth Approach in Today's Context of Demographic Ageing

    Background  The demographic trends projected over the long term reveal that Europe is ‘turning increasingly grey’ in the coming decades. By 2025 more than 20 percent of Europeans will be 65 or over, with a particularly rapid increase in the number of over 80s. This ageing trend will continue, and it is expected that by 2060 more than 30 percent...

  • Health and Wellbeing of the Workforce

    Workforce Health Must Be a Priority The National Health Service (NHS) must work hard to protect the health and well being of its workforce. Failure to do so costs organisations across the system dearly but, more importantly, patient care may suffer. What does it feel like to be unable to do your job properly through lack of time, staff shortages...

  • Structured Reporting in Cancer Imaging: Reaching the Quality Dimension in Communication

    Medical imaging is uniquely positioned to play a pivotal role at many points in the cancer patient journey, from early detection as part of screening through to survivorship and/or end of life care.  Reliance on imaging to contribute to decision making is substantive; a review of Cancer Care Ontario’s Lung Diagnostic Pathway revealed 22 touch points...

  • Hospital Magazines: Top Tips From an Expert

    Following HealthManagement. org's articles on blogging (La Calle et al. 2015) and tweeting (Wong and Mathieu 2015), in this issue, HealthManagement.org puts the hospital magazine in focus. Kathy Smith, Vice President of Marketing & Communications at The Johns Hopkins Hospital and director of the quarterly publication, Johns Hopkins Health ,...

  • Dipak Kalra

    1. What are your key areas of interest and research?  Helping to drive the future evolution of electronic health records (EHRs) to be a rich, holistic and smart information resource to all players involved in healthcare and research. My present areas of focus include semantic interoperability, enabling meaning to be understood by people and computers...

  • David Wilson

    1. What are your key areas of interest and research?  Occult fractures and outcome in acute ankle injuries and using MR-Ultrasound to treat nerve root pain. Education is a key area of interest for me in my role as President of the British Institute of Radiology and in my own practice. 2. What are the major challenges in your field?  One of my...

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