• Agenda

    JUNE 30-1 July TCS-ECMO Paris, France paris-tcsecmo.org JULY 6-10 Annual International Best of Brussels Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency MedicinePune, India isccmpune.com 31 SAARC Critical Care Congress Sri Lanka https://iii.hm/38y...

  • Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine

    Interview with Professor Sharon Einav Professor Sharon Einav is Chair of the Intensive Care Medicine Subcommittee of the European Society of Anaesthesiology . She is Professor of Intensive Care, Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine, Director of Surgical Intensive Care and Chair of the Resuscitation Committee at Shaare Zedek MedicalCenter...

  • Perioperative Respiratory Management of Morbidly Obese Patients

    Obese patients without other major co-morbidities are categorised as class II according to the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status classification ( https://iii.hm/38j ). If additional organ dysfunction is present they are categorised as ASA III. These patients are at increased risk for metabolic, cardiovascular and pulmonary complications....

  • Early Diagnosis and Prediction of Acute Kidney Injury

    penKid – A Dynamic Inflammation-Independent Biomarker Of Kidney (Dys)function Early recognition and close monitoring of acute kidney injury (AKI) is vital in the ICU, given AKI’s high prevalence and effect on length of stay and risk of re-hospitalisation and death (McCullough et al. 2013). As more becomes known about biomarkers, intensivists need...

  • Centre for Research in Intensive Care

    The Centre for Research in Intensive Care (CRIC) was established in 2015 to provide support and services for research into intensive care, intervention and treatment ( CRIC.nu ). CRIC was established to maintain and improve the infrastructure obtained through the large trials conducted in Denmark, the Scandinavian Starch for Severe Sepsis/Septic Shock...

  • Publiometrics

    The significance of research or researchers is frequently discussed and debated, so also in the medical research field. Why do we publish? This straightforward question is often difficult to answer, at least in a simple way. As a starter we can list some reasons: We wish to make a difference for the outcome of our patients; We have an obligation...

  • A Librarian in the Critical Care Team

    Knowledge about current research evidence is required by clinicians in order to practise safe and effective care. The health librarian occupies a unique position between knowledge resources and knowledge consumers. As such, the librarian is perfectly poised to channel accurate, reliable knowledge into the hands of the healthcare team, who can then...

  • Transforming Measurement into Understanding: Quantitative Bedside Decision Support

    Intensivists today are faced with a growing deluge of quantitative data, along with demands to implement evidence-based protocols of increasing number and complexity. The tools to support such implementation, including computerised decision support, have, however, seen only incremental development over the past decades. This article will attempt to...

  • ARDS Still Under-Recognised, Under-Treated

    Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) seems to be underrecognised, under-treated and associated with a high risk of mortality, according to the results of the ESICM LUNG-SAFE observational study, published in JAMA . Speaking to ICU Management & Practice, John G. Laffey , MD, MA, of the Departments of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine,...

  • Close Monitoring of ECMO Patients with a Patient Dedicated Blood Gas Analyser

    In-Line Bedside Blood Gas Analysis Enables Rapid Results For Respiratory Support Management Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is an acute support system used to aid heart and lung function in patients with severe respiratory or cardiac failure. Having its origins in the operating theatre, the use of ECMO has now migrated into the ICU....

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