• Organisational Change in Newly Integrated Medical Imaging Departments

    INCREASE COMMITMENT BY TEAM INVOLVEMENT In Europe, departments of radiology and nuclear medicine ‏are typically independent centralised organisations with ‏different cultures and values. Some imaging departments ‏are being developed that integrate existing radiology and ‏nuclear medicine departments. When planning integration, ‏a key success factor...

  • KLAS Tomosynthesis – Hologic

    CAN GE HEALTHCARE AND SIEMENS COMPETE WITH HOLOGIC?   Although the report is focused only on the U.S. market, is the outcome indicative of a worldwide trend?   We have not had deep discussions outside of the US so I am not able to speak about the worldwide situation. As a side note, there was adoption earlier for GE & Siemens outside...

  • Brexit’s Brutal Blow to the NHS

    “I’m sorry. I’m just so sorry.”   It’s 8am. Two junior doctors, one English, the other Italian, embrace in tears on the steps outside their hospital. We’ve saved lives together, lost patients together, run cardiac arrests, sought to comfort grieving families, seen patients make miraculous recoveries, witnessed death at its most unforgiving...

  • Eric Poiseau

    IHE Europe Technical Project Manager Inria                                                                                                      &n

  • The Inevitable Rise of Outpatient Imaging Centres

    Countries around the world have different relationships to advanced ‏diagnostic imaging in the out of hospital (outpatient) environment. In ‏Australia and Italy, it is not uncommon to find imaging centres in shopping ‏malls, a concept which is anathema to both the United Kingdom & South ‏Africa. A shift from hospital based imaging services to a mixed...

  • Healthcare Executive Alliance: Insights For Healthcare Leadership

    Healthcare organizations do a phenomenal job. Today, an increasing number of diseases are treated successfully and people enjoy a better quality of life even into old age. Yet, while much is being done to discover new ways to improve patients' lives, we now see radical changes to structures, incentives, and processes within healthcare to sustain provision for...

  • Improving Patient Outcomes

    HOW TO DEFINE, MEASURE, AND INCREASE POSITIVE AND REIMBURSABLE PATIENT CARE OUTCOMES Due to increasing cost pressure, established remuneration models for healthcare services are changing all around the world. As part of the move toward value-based care, patient outcomes are entering the spotlight. Thus, hospital managers face the challenge of...

  • A Closer Look At Financial Performance in Healthcare

    MANAGING COSTS, RISK, AND FINANCING TO CREATE AN ECONOMICALLY SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS Healthcare providers around the world face resource shortages, economic and regulatory uncertainty, and increasing market volatility. Trends such as alternative compensation models and public-private partnerships are leading people to rethink established business...

  • The Value of a Good Reputation

    HOW HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS CAN IMPROVE THEIR REPUTATION TO ATTRACT MORE PATIENTS AND QUALIFIED STAFF   A good reputation is an important asset for healthcare providers. Along with credible market positioning, it is vital for attracting self-reliant, quality-conscious, and cost-aware patient groups. Qualified and committed employees are key to a...

  • Innovative Solutions Addressing Challenges of Complex Cardiovascular Disease

    An integrated approach to interventional cardiovascular medicine According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide. [1] As CVDs are on the rise, it’s important to understand the risk factors associated with complex heart disease, as well as the impact of innovative solutions...

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