• Breast Density and Choosing Optimal Breast Screening

    DenseBreast-info.org was set up in 2015 to provide ‏education to patients and healthcare providers about ‏dense breasts. How aware are women in the USA about ‏breast density? What still needs to be done?   As of 1 August 2016, at least 27 states in America require ‏some form of notification about breast density as part of the ‏mammography...

  • Tackling Coronary Heart Disease the Biggest Success in 50 Years

    Interview with Professor Guy de Backer Professor Guy De Backer, Emeritus Professor at Ghent ‏University, Belgium, will be a keynote speaker at the ‏ESC Conference in Rome on August 27-31, delivering ‏the ESC Geoffrey Rose Lecture on Population Sciences on ‏“Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases: ‏Quo Vadis?” Prior to the conference,...

  • EAHM Congress Preview

    Everybody in healthcare across the C-Suite, clinician, policy-maker, nursing and IT spectrum is aware of how critical ‏the situation is by now; healthcare in Europe is just ‏not sustainable. The demands facing European healthcare ‏systems are becoming greater with increased life expectancy, ‏new pathologies and the rise of chronic disease. Added...

  • No More Ransom

    There are two simple yet effective preventive measures ‏that a public or private enterprise must put into place ‏to stop cybercriminals in their tracks says Europol; ‏practice pristine digital hygiene and keep anti-virus protection ‏up-to-date.   While these steps should be taken as the bare minimum ‏to protect an organisation, if the dramatic...

  • Ahead of the Game

    There are always trailblazers implementing the latest ‏technology, experimenting with management styles ‏and putting the latest best practice in place. There ‏are too many leading lights to name here, but HealthManagement. ‏org has created a round up of facilities and individuals ‏in healthcare - leaders who have caught our attention ‏because...

  • Will the Hospital of the Future Be Our Home

    Already, healthcare is being outsourced to the home in a bid to encourage more patient involvement in wellbeing and to develop centres of health expertise in place of multi-bed hospitals. The Medical Futurist, Bertalan Meskó reflects on how the future of home healthcare could evolve.   The Home and Future Healthcare The biggest part...

  • The Role of Gamification and Engagement Design in the Future of Healthcare

    Gamification is on the rise right now as a powerful tool to change behaviour - not only in healthcare but in many fields, such as education and business. However it can be seen and experienced in all its glory in healthcare, and I believe it will be crucial for the very near future.   First of all, what is gamification? A crystallised definition...

  • Medical Devices and Evidence-Based Clinical Practice

    Time To Deliver The European Commission’s ‘New Approach’ The current system for evaluating and approving new medical devices within the European Union derives from the “New Approach” first proposed by the European Commission in 1985. That legislation was designed to harmonise all industry sectors in Europe, by delegating to independent “Notified...

  • Patient Safety & Risk Management

    In recent years patient safety and risk management have ‏become important topics of debate at different levels of ‏healthcare throughout Europe so that where there is one, ‏the other is also found.   In this article we will bring these topics together, putting ‏them in the context of the Input-Management-Processes- ‏Outcomes (IMPO ) model,...

  • Brexit’s Brutal Blow to the NHS

    “I’m sorry. I’m just so sorry.”   It’s 8am. Two junior doctors, one English, the other Italian, embrace in tears on the steps outside their hospital. We’ve saved lives together, lost patients together, run cardiac arrests, sought to comfort grieving families, seen patients make miraculous recoveries, witnessed death at its most unforgiving...

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