• Big Data and Cognitive Computing at Point of Care

    The future of primary care in the global health approach Background and Trends Healthcare services have been under great pressure during recent years, especially when the economic and financial crisis put a remarkable emphasis on sustainability. It is generally accepted that developed countries’ economies are not going to grow until infinity...

  • Big Data for Health in Europe

    In 2010, the European Commission proposed the 10-year strategy, Europe 2020, aimed at stimulating economic growth across the EU bloc. An important pillar of the 2020 drive is the creation of the Digital Single Market with the use of Big Data for ‘eHealth’ and ‘mHealth’ central to the initiative. The aim is to dramatically improve the quality, efficacy...

  • 25 X 25: Reducing Premature Mortality from Cardiovascular Disease

    The world heart federation’s commitment: 25% by the year 2025   Cardiovascular disease (CVD), including heart disease and stroke, is the leading cause of death around the world, most surpris- ingly in low and middle-income coun- tries. CVD alone causes one in three deaths globally, claiming over 17 million lives a year (World Health Organisation,...

  • Patient Access to Diagnostic Data: Satisfied Patients and Financial Savings

    Dr. Roberto Tarducci, Chief of the Medical Physics Dept, Santa Maria della Misericordia- Azienda Ospedaliera di Perugia, shares his thoughts on the progress of their project to enable remote patient access to their diagnostic data. This project is just the latest stage in its transformation of access to and storage of images from its radiology and...

  • EPF: Patient Empowerment Campaign

    As European health services face an ageing population and an increase in chronic diseases, the challenge is to make healthcare sustainable. There is already a mismatch between available services and patient needs across the healthcare continuum, and many patients face fragmentation of care. Patient empowerment is one way to address this gap in moving...

  • Patient Portals in Practice

    Patient portals are secure online websites that offer patients access to personal health information. Basic portals (portals 1.0) are windows into electronic records, built into or added on to existing electronic health records (EHR). Portals 2.0 have advanced functionality, including health information exchange and web 2.0 capabilities such as social...

  • Power to the People: How the Economics of Information is Empowering Patients

    During the 2000s, England’s National Health Service spent an extra $1.5 billion per year in an attempt to bring its information systems into the 21st century. Over the decade that followed we spent around $15 billion. That’s a lot of money and there has been much debate about what all this money delivered. But there is an equally interesting question...

  • Regina Holliday and the Walking Gallery

    Patient Activism, Patient Advocacy or Patient Engagement. Whatever label you give it, one thing is for certain: the movement towards Patient Power is central to the future of healthcare. While patient activism pre-dates the explosion of the web, the trend towards patients participating in their own healthcare goes hand-in-hand with the development of...

  • ADPKD: Realising Progress Through Patient Empowerment

    Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is an inherited, chronic, progressive condition in which cysts develop in the kidneys and other organs (Torres et al. 2007; Chapman et al. 2015; Ong et al. 2015). ADPKD is an important cause of chronic kidney disease, accounting for around one in ten of all patients needing renal replacement therapy...

  • Rising to the Challenge of Patient-Centred Care

    After an hour of describing a recent admission to hospital for treatment of pneumonia, ‘Mary’ paused and said “You know, I couldn’t fault the technical care, but…I was treated like a lump of clay…people came and went…they did things to me ... staff didn’t tell me what they were doing, who they were or how I was going…and that is my lasting memory of...

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