• Twenty Lessons from 2020: With a Focus on the ICU Perspective

    2020 has been an unusual year. As we begin 2021, it is important for intensivists to look back over what has happened and see whether lessons can be learned from our combined experiences . T he year 2020 has been unusual in so many ways and as we start a new year, it is interesting and important as intensivists to look back and reflect on what...

  • Rethinking Critical Care - Use and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence

    Why digitalisation of intensive care medicine means less rather than more data Intensive Care Medicine is generating an amount of data that is hardly analysable by humans. Digitalising and using artificial intelligence has to focus on providing less rather than more data. Introduction - AI in Intensive Care Medicine: Ghost or Glimmer...

  • Why Do We Need Sedation in Critically-Ill COVID-19 Patients?

    C OVID-19 patients present to the hospital with lung involvement and interstitial pneumonia eventually associated with lung collapse. The clinical picture is dominated by severe hypoxaemia without dyspnoea/tachypneoa and normal respiratory mechanics; this condition has been defined as silent hypoxia. The picture may evolve, and these patients may...

  • How Should We Manage Sedation in Critically-Ill COVID-19 Patients?

    Clinical Practice Guidelines The Choosing Wisely top five guidelines published a few years ago by the Chest Association of Physicians, the American Thoracic Society, the Society of Critical Care Medicine, and the American Association of Critical Care Nurses state that mechanically ventilated patients should not be deeply sedated without a specific...

  • Important Questions Answered

    During the question/answer session, Prof Vito Marco Ranieri discussed some important questions with Prof Salvatore Maurizio Maggiore and Prof Boris Jung regarding sedation regimen, respiratory muscle paralysis, sedation in COVID-19 patients specifically and how it is different from other regular ICU patients. Ranieri: What is your opinion...

  • Evidence-Based Management of Atrial Fibrillation

    The 2020 ESC Guidelines and the addition of Landiolol An overview of the updated guidelines for the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation, developed in association with the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. T he European Society of Cardiology (ESC) provides a range of scientific and educational activities,...

  • A French Hospital’s Journey Through the Pandemic

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, Foch Hospital in Suresnes, France adapted its medical strategy to manage high patient flow, limited resources and staff shortages to ensure efficient patient care. Here is an overview of how the hospital rose up to the challenge. H ow should we treat patients infected with a virus we know hardly anything...

  • Nutrition Management of COVID-19 Patients in the ICU and Post-ICU

    This article is a summary of a webinar series where three nutritional experts discussed a practical approach on how to feed and how to provide high-quality nutritional therapy to critically ill patients during hospitalisation. Prof Elizabeth De Waele, Dr Arthur Van Zanten and Prof Paul Wischmeyer in the webinar series discuss nutrition support for...

  • How To Ventilate COVID-19 Patients?

    TwinStream ®  ICU with p-BLV ®  (Pulsatile Bilevel Ventilation) T he Austrian critical care ventilator TwinStream ®  ICU was designed with the explicit purpose of saving critically respiratory-distressed patients. In particular those patients with severe lung diseases (e.g. ARDS) who can no longer be supported with conventional ventilation. ...

  • 20 Lessons from 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on ICUs and critical care healthcare providers all across the globe. As of this week, 110 million people have been infected with the virus worldwide, and 2.4 million have died. Many of the infected patients need hospitalisation and admission to the ICU. A high percentage of severely ill patients with...

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