• Oxygen: Too Much is Bad

    Supplemental oxygen administration is a routine treatment administered to a wide majority of critically ill patients. Nevertheless, evidence suggest that exposure to hyperoxia is associated with impaired outcomes. We discuss here the benefits and harms of supplemental oxygen administration in the intensive care unit. Introduction In the intensive...

  • Diaphragm Ultrasonography in ICU: Why, How, and When To Use It?

    An overview of the principles and current applications of diaphragm ultrasound and innovative ultrasound-based techniques. Introduction  In the intensive care unit (ICU), ultrasound imaging has become increasingly popular for the diagnosis and to guide treatment in critically ill patients (Volpicelli et al. 2020). The use of ultrasound to...

  • 12 Things to Do to Improve Wellbeing in the ICU

    An overview of strategies and measures that can be implemented to improve wellbeing of staff and patients in the ICU. 1. Make the patient the centre of our preoccupations This is the first principle of wellbeing in the ICU and should be written in large letters when one enters an ICU. Wellbeing must concern first and foremost the patient....

  • The Challenge of Admitting a Very Old Patient with Sepsis to an Intensive Care Unit

    Sepsis incidence in very old patients is high and related mortality and morbidity are a major health concern. Frailty and severity of illness, not just age or sepsis diagnosis, are the determinant factors in outcome. Early identification and treatment are decisive in their survival. N owadays, we are facing some important facts: there has...

  • ICU Mental Health in the Ongoing Pandemic: How Will We Be Okay?

    After a year of this pandemic, this article explores what we currently understand about the psychological impact experienced by ICU teams and provides practical guidance to help build personal and team resilience as the journey with COVID-19 continues with no end in sight. Introduction When COVID-19 emerged as a new pathogen, the pictures...

  • The Essentials for a Humanised Intensive Care Unit (H-ICU)

    This article highlights the key points that fall under the meaning of humanisation as part of the ICU Liberation bundle. Introduction How would a patient describe their stay inside an Intensive Care Unit (ICU)? Would it be cold, lonely, a place full of uncertainty? Painful, uncomfortable or scary? The length of stay (LOS) in the ICU may be...

  • Top Five Priorities for a New ICU Director During the First Year

    During the first year, the ICU director should take a snapshot of the ICU situation and invest time and resources to acquire good and real data that will drive priorities of care and management. After that, implementation of basic protocols and creating a programme to engage and protect the staff against burnout should be considered. Finally, we...

  • If It’s Good for Calcium Why Not Magnesium? Reasons to Measure iMg in the ICU

    An overview of the importance of getting magnesium levels right in critically ill patients and the role ionised magnesium plays. Background Like all electrolytes, magnesium exists in the bloodstream in “bound” states, and in “free” or “ionised” states, which is the portion that is physiologically active. This ionised component...

  • While Perioperative Care is Optimised, Patients Die Unmonitored in the Ward!

    P atients and their families often fear surgical interventions due to possible complications during the procedure and falsely assume to have survived the most dangerous part when reaching post-anesthetic care units. 1   However, postoperative hypotension more often occurs in the wards, causing myocardial infarction and death, 3,4  as it...

  • Wellbeing in the ICU

    H ealthcare workers across the world have been facing significant challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, critical care workers have had to deal with several issues, including a surge of seriously ill patients, shortages of staff and resources, long shifts, exhaustion, risk of infection, fear of transmission to family, constant exposure...

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