• Ageing Population

    T he process of ageing cannot be defined by a number. The World Health Organization classifies anyone over the age of 65 as elderly. However, it is important to understand that ageing is a complex process, and we must consider physiological and cognitive vulnerabilities when talking about ageing as they can make some elderly people more prone to...

  • Lessons from COVID-19: ICU Preparedness, Ethical Issues and Digital Congresses

    Jean-Louis Vincent is a Consultant in the Department of Intensive Care at Erasme University Hospital in Brussels and a Professor of Intensive Care at the Université libre de Bruxelles.He is the editor-in-chief of ICU Management & Practice, Critical Care, and Current Opinion in Critical Care and member of the editorial board of many other healthcare...

  • Predicament Prevention for Pandemics

    COVID-19 has resulted in an enormous demand for critical care personnell and increased consumption of resources. How can healthcare systems prepare for the allocation of scarce resources? Introduction Health care crises, like the COVID-19 pandemic, can lead to a pronounced regional, national and even supranational discrepancy between...

  • Nutritional Management of the Critically Ill Older Adult

    A review of available evidence and an overview of recommendations for the nutritional management of the critically ill older adult. Introduction Worldwide, there is a shift in the distribution of the population towards older ages. This shift is similarly being experienced in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), with the median age of the...

  • Unmasking the Triumphs, Tragedies, and Opportunities of the COVID-19 Pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many changes to society and the practice of critical care medicine. Perhaps now is the time to address deficiencies in communication and decision-making that impact quality of care provided to older patients with serious illness. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a juxtaposition of triumph and...

  • What Intensivists Can Learn From Geriatric Medicine

    In this article we discuss mind, mobility, medications, multi-complexity, and what matters most. These are key domains from geriatric medicine that are relevant to the practice of intensive care medicine. The notion that advanced age is a sufficient reason to decline admission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is no longer widely accepted...

  • Microtools to Identify and Resuscitate Microcirculatory Dysfunction in Critically Ill Patients

    An overview of real-time digital assessment of microcirculation and quantification of tissue perfusion and the physiological and technical considerations that may, in the near future, change the way we look at circulatory shock in critically ill patients. The Challenges of Detecting Circulatory Shock Despite recent advances in the...

  • The Future of Critical Care: The Human Capital

    This article will focus on the non-clinical, human aspects of critical care, namely the patient and the ICU team. The modern concepts of humanising ICU care, the healing environment and future-proofing the ICU team will be discussed. Introduction Despite being a relatively young specialty, critical care has made remarkable progress...

  • Agenda

    OCTO BER 2-5  ANESTHESIOLOGY 2020 Virtual conference https://iii.hm/14ri 4-7  Critical Care Canada Forum Virtual conference https://iii.hm/14rj 16-19  EAPS 2020 - European Academy of Paediatric Societies Virtual conference https://iii.hm/14rk NOVEMBER 2-6  38th Vicenza...

  • Infographic

    Problems associated with ageing, complications of critical illness in the elderly patient, and an overview of the gaps in the treatment of critically ill older adults.

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