• Failed Intubation in a Paralysed Patient

    Author Dr. Thomas Heidegger (above) Consultant Anaesthetist Quality Manager in Healthcare Department of Anaesthesia, Walenstadt, Switzerland [email protected]   Dr. Hans Joerg Gerig Consultant Anaesthetist Department of Anaesthesiology, Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen...

  • An Interview with Nils Smith-Erichsen

    Dr. Nils Smith-Erichsen is a Consultant in the ICU at Akershus University Hospital in Oslo, Norway. He shares his views on Intensive Care in Norway.   Please Tell Us About Your Experiences Working as an Intensivist in Norway. When I began as a full-time intensivist in 1979, only a few colleagues were in the same position in Norway....

  • ARROWg+ard Antimicrobial Catheter Technology: New Generation Now Available in Europe

    www.arrowintl.com   On October 1st, 2006 Arrow International received CE mark clearance for its ARROWg+ard Blue PLUS new catheter generation with Chlorhexidine along the entire intraluminal path and increased levels of Chlorhexidine on the catheter's external surface for better protection. Chlorhexidine-silver sulfadiazine is a CDC...

  • Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Critical Care

    Authors   Dominique M. Vandijck , MSc, MA Department of Intensive Care, Ghent University Hospital – Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University, Belgium   Johan M. Decruyenaere, MD, PhD Director Intensive Care Department, Ghent University Hospital, Professor...

  • Costs of Intermediate Care and Intensive Care

    Author Maurizia Capuzzo, MD Department of Surgical, Anaesthetic and Radiological Sciences, Section of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, University Hospital of Ferrara , Italy Italian representative in the Council of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Deputy chair of the Section on Health Services,...

  • Genetic Variation in the Critical Care Setting

    Author Bonny Lewis Bukaveckas, PhD, FACB Department of Pharmacy and of Pathology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA   Pharmacogenetics has made significant progress in recent years. Advances in pharmacogenetics and information technology will benefit critical care patients most of all....

  • Recommendations for Medication Errors Prevention

    Author   Ph. Garnerin, DVM, PhD Quality Manager, Anaesthesiology Service, Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland   Drugs that are used in intensive care settings are numerous and often have narrow therapeutic margins. Patients have severe conditions that evolve quickly and require frequent adaptation...

  • Dose-Finding and Optimisation Designs

    Author Ajmal Eusuf, MB, BS, FRCA Malachy Columb, MB, BCh, BAO., FRCA Acute Intensive Care Unit University Hospital of South Manchester, Wythenshawe, UK   Introduction Knowledge of the issues related to clinical research is a requirement to the fuller understanding of the practice...

  • An Interview with Dr. Claudio Ronco

    Prof. Claudio Ronco shares his management experience and vision as Director of the Nephrology Department at St. Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza, Italy.   May I Ask You, by Way of Introduction to Our Readers, How Long You’ve Been the Director of Your Unit? I have been director of the Department of Nephrology Dialysis and Renal Transplantation...

  • The Healthcare System in Poland

    Author Jacek Lukomski Director of Regional Hospital, Poznan Vice President of Union of Polish Health Care Employers, Poland   The reforms of the healthcare system in Poland were initiated in 1989 along with the reforms of the national economy. Their positive effects were manifested mainly by shorter hospitalisations,...

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