• Safety

    Author Jean-Louis Vincent Head Department of Intensive Care, Erasmus Hospital Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium   Safety is defined as the condition of being safe – freedom from danger, risk, or injury. Of course, safety itself is a relative term. It relies on the elimination of all risk. As we in...

  • Europe

    A New Manifesto for Medical Research in Europe www.esf.org Public spending on medical research in Europe should be doubled over the next ten years to ensure the health and welfare of Europe’s citizens and to nurture a thriving medical research industry, according to an influential panel of distinguished scientists. In addition there...

  • Research

    Beating Hospital Yeast Infection http://ccforum.com/ Increasing numbers of critically ill patients develop fungal or yeast infections, which are associated with high mortality. Now a review published in the online open access journal, Critical Care, compares treatments involving single-drug antifungal prophylaxis (SAP) or a multi-drug regimen...

  • World

    Efforts on Child-Appropriate Medicines Intensify www.who.int Efforts to ensure children have better access to medicines appropriate for them have intensified with the unveiling of a new research and development agenda by the World Health Organization (WHO). The agenda targets a range of medicines – including antibiotics, asthma and pain...

  • Providing Safer Critical Care and Emergency Medicine Through Standardisation

    Author Karen Timmons President,CEO Joint Commission International Oak Brook, Illinois, USA [email protected]   The process of external quality evaluation against consensus healthcare standards, commonly referred to as “Accreditation”, is one of the most effective means for standardising care processes in healthcare organisations....

  • Introduction of Tight Glucose Control in the ICU: Hype or Evidence Based Medicine?

    Author Armand R.J. Girbes Professor Internist-Intensivist, Clinical Pharmacologist University Hospital VU, Medical Centre Amsterdam, Netherlands [email protected]   Introduction In 2001, Van den Berghe et al. published the results of a study, demonstrating a clinically and statistically significant...

  • Lung Assessment & Monitoring in the ICU Using Vibration Response Imaging

    Authors Smith Jean, PhD. Division of Critical Care Medicine Robert Wood Johnson, School of Medicine University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Cooper University Hospital Camden, New Jersey, USA   Ismail Cinel, MD, PhD. Division of Critical Care Medicine Robert...

  • An Interview with Dr. Marco Ranieri

    Dr. Ranieri is the Chair of the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at Molinette Hospital in Turin, Italy; Professor at the University of Turin and the current President of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM). In this interview with Sherry Scharff, Dr. Ranieri reflects on the difficulties of applying business principles...

  • 28th International Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

    Author Jean-Louis Vincent Department of Intensive Care Erasmus Hospital,Free University Brussels Brussels, Belgium As we look out on the wet and windy winter weather, we may find ourselves looking forward to spring, and springtime in Brussels is, of course, synonymous with the International Symposium of Intensive...

  • Induced Hypothermia & Neurological Outcome:

    Author Kees H. Polderman, MD, PhD Department of Intensive Care University Medical Center Utrecht [email protected]   The 1st Therapeutic Temperature Management Congress  There is an increasing awareness in the critical care community of the importance of body temperature in determining outcome...

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