• Biomarkers in the Assessment of Response of Infection to Antibiotic Therapy

    Authors Luís Coelho, MD Pulmology Unit,Hospital of the Litoral Alentejano Santiago do Cacém, Portugal [email protected] João Gonçalves Pereira , MD Medical Intensive Care Unit,Department of Medicine III São Francisco Xavier Hospital Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental,Lisboa,Portugal Serial Measurements...

  • Efficient ICU Management: A Framework to Implement Evidence Based Organisation of Care

    Authors Rebecca Anas, B.Sc, MBA Project Manager Strategic Decisions, Critical Care Department [email protected] Fabrice Brunet , MD, FRCPC Professor of Medicine,University of Toronto Chief, Critical Care Department Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute [email protected] David Klein MD FRCP(C) MBA...

  • Fever Control in Critically Ill Patients

    Author Kees H. Polderman , MD, PhD Associate Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, Dept. of Intensive Care Utrecht University Medical Center,Utrecht,The Netherlands [email protected]@umcutrecht.nl Regional temperature differences exist between various parts of the body under physiological conditions in healthy...

  • An Overview of Healthcare in Israel

    Hospitals In 2000 Israel had 48 general hospitals, with approximately 14 200 beds, spread throughout the country. The overall general care bed-population ratio is 2.2. Compared to OECD countries Israel is characterised by a low bed-population ratio, an extremely low average length of stay, a mid to high rate of admissions per thousand population...

  • Then and Now: Connctions Between Anaethesisology and Critical Care

    Author Gabriel M. Gurman, M.D. Professor Emeritus,Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Ben Gurion University of the Negev,Beer Sheva,Israel [email protected] Most practitioners would agree that there lie inevitable connections between the fields of anaesthesiology and intensive care, as the tasks that define them are almost...

  • Intensive Care Nursing Education in Israel

    Author Freda DeKeyser Ganz RN, PhD Head Master Program Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Nursing Jerusalem, Israel [email protected] Nursing education in Israel has been undergoing academic upgrading, including a revised post-basic certification course in Intensive Care Nursing allowing nurses increased clinical...

  • SCCM’s 2009 Congress: Live from Nashville

    Learning takes center stage in Music City, where SCCM’s Congress never sounded so good. The Society’s annual Congress is the largest multiprofessional critical care event of the year, drawing nearly 6,000 nurses, pharmacists, physicians, respiratory therapists, students, veterinarians, and other providers from around the world. You’ll know you’re...

  • Euroanaesthesia 2008

    Author Dr. Iain Moppett Consultant Anaesthetist, Queen’s Medical Centre Nottingham University Hospitals, Nottingham, UK Newsletter Editor European Society of Anaesthesiology   The annual scientific of the European Society of Anaesthesiology   was held at the Bella Centre in Copenhagen at the end of May this...

  • The Role of Biomarkers in the Diagnosis of Infection

    Author Pedro Póvoa, MD, PhD Coordinator of the Medical Intensive Care, Department of Medicine III São Francisco Xavier Hospital,Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidenta Professor of Medicine,Faculty of Medical Science New University of Lisbon,Lisboa,Portugal [email protected] Biomarkers, Namely CRP and PCT, can Help...

  • Performance Improvement in the Critical First Six Hours of Severe Sepsis

    Author R. Phillip Dellinger M.D. Christa Schorr, R.N., BSN Cooper University Hospital, Camden USA Mitchell Levy , M.D. Sean Townsend, M.D. Rhode Island Hospital, Providence USA The Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC), an initiative of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, the International Sepsis...

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