• Technology

    Aside from the usual highlights of the International Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, this 30th anniversary meeting provides us with a rare opportunity to look back and consider the evolution of the field and to take stock of what we have accomplished over the last three decades.  It is interesting, for instance to note, that while...

  • Patient Safety and E-Health

    Author Susan Burnett Programme Lead, Organisation and Management Group Centre for Patient Safety and Service Quality, Imperial College London, United Kingdom [email protected] Since the publication in 1999 of arguably the most important call to action for patient safety, the Institute of Medicine's report 'To Err is...

  • ICU Care Prior to Admission to the ICU

    Author Robert S. Green, BSc., MD, FRCPC, DABEM Department of Internal Medicine;Division of Critical Care Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine, Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia [email protected]   The demand for ICU resources is high and continues to increase....

  • Series on Early Mobilisation of Critically Ill Patients

    Authors Radha Korupolu, MBBS, MS Division of Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD Immanuel Susai, MBBS Division of Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD [email protected] > Dale M. Needham, MD, PhD Medical Director,Critical Care...

  • Medical Technology & Healthcare Costs

    Author Mathias Goyen , BSc., MD Chief Executive Officer (CEO) UKE Consult and Management Hamburg, Germany [email protected] Health policy makers have focused on cost containment, for the past several decades, as a means to deal with the rapid rise in healthcare costs in the western world. All kinds of measures have been introduced...

  • Highlights of Health in Switzerland

    Migration and Health Around a third of the Swiss population are people with an immigrant background. This means that they either immigrated to the country or were born here but have at least one parent who immigrated to Switzerland. Although a large proportion of immigrants are well integrated and their health is hardly any different from that...

  • Belgian Healthcare: Overview of the Health System and Financing

    Authors Dominique Vandijck , PhD Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Department of Public Health, Interfaculty Centre for Health Economic Research Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Ghent University [email protected]   Lieven Annemans , PhD Professor of Health...

  • Infection Control in the ICU: The Nurse Perspective

    Authors Sonia O. Labeau , MNSc Faculty of Healthcare University College Ghent, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Ghent University [email protected]   Stijn I. Blot , PhD Faculty of Healthcare, University College Ghent Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences...

  • The United States Healthcare System: The Most is Not Necessarily the Best

    Author Stephen R. Baker , MD Professor and Chairman of Radiology New Jersey Medical School New York, US [email protected]   The United States (US) healthcare agenda is the major domestic debate of President Obama’s presidency. He had made revamping of the US’ pluralistic medical delivery system...

  • Intensive Care Ventilators: Purchase Considerations

    Contact ECRI Institute Europe Weltech Centre, Ridgeway Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 2AA, United Kingdom Tel. +44 (0)1707 871511 Fax. +44 (0)1707 393138 [email protected] Purchase Considerations Included in the accompanying comparison chart are ECRI Institute’s recommendations for minimum performance...

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