• E-Health Moves Ahead in Europe

    Reports on E-Health Stretegies and Implemantations in 30 Countries in Europe Now Available Since the publication of the European Commission's (EC) eHealth Action Plan in 2004, eHealth has gained significant momentum across Europe. "European countries on their journey towards national eHealth infrastructures - evidence of progress and recommendations...

  • Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Centre:

    Author Amir Khorram-Manesh , MD,PhD Medical and Research Advisor, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Centre Gothenburg, Sweden [email protected] Per Ortenwall, MD , PhD Medical Director, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Centre Gothenburg, Sweden [email protected] Major incidents...

  • Triage

    Author Jean-Louis Vincent Editor-in-Chief, ICU Management Head Department of Intensive Care Erasme Hospital / Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium [email protected] Decision making is one of the most crucial and painstaking elements of our positions as healthcare providers. While choices made in the personal...

  • Triage: An Important Part of The Response to Major Incidents

    Author Amir Khorram-Manesh, MD, PhD  Prehospital and Disaster  , Medicine Centre Gothenburg, Sweden [email protected] Kristina Lennquist Montán, RN, PhD student Prehospital and Disaster  , Medicine Centre Gothenburg, Sweden Sten Lennquist, MD, PhD  Prehospital...

  • Accuracy of Field Triage of Trauma Patients

    Authors Marius Rehn, PhD student Department of Research, Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation Drøbak, Norway and Akershus University Hospital [email protected] Andreas Krüger, PhD student Department of Research Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation, Drodak, Norway, and Department of Anaethesiology and Emergency Medicine,...

  • Is Hospital Downsizing an Effective Way to Control Health Expenditure?

    Authors Massimiliano Piacenza Department of Economics Public Finance “G. Prato”, School of Economics University of Torino [email protected] Gilberto Turati Department of Economic Public Finance “G. Prato” School of Economics University of Torino [email protected] Hospital downsizing...

  • Managing Clinical Communication for Patient Safety

    Authors Sally Squire Lecturer Division of Nursing & Midwifery La Trobe University Wodonga, Victoria, Australia [email protected] Eileen Petrie, RN, PhD Lecturer Division of Nursing & Midwifery La Trobe University Wodonga, Victoria,Australia [email protected] Eileen...

  • Turkish Healthcare: Overview of the Health System

    Author Burcu Özdeniz Office Manager EMC Consulting Group Brussels, Belgium [email protected] The healthcare system in Turkey has a highly complex structure. The Ministry of Health (MOH), universities and the private sector are the health service providers in the Turkish health system. History of Healthcare...

  • Intensive Care Medicine in Turkey

    Author Arzu Topeli, MD Professor of Medicine Director of Medical Intensive Care Unit and Division of General Internal Medicine Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Ankara, Turkey [email protected] Intensive care medicine (ICM)is a relatively new speciality in Turkey. In 1959,the first reanimation...

  • Challenges of Working in a 100-Bed Intensive Care Unit

    Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at the University of Birmingham, Prof. Julian Bion also has an honorary consultant appointment with the University Hospital in Birmingham. He also has a number of high-profile national and international roles in the field of intensive care, including being an Editorial Board Member of ICU Management and is a former...

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