• Burnout in Care

    Author Jean-Louis Vincent Head, Department of Intensive Care, Erasme Hospital Free University of Brussels, Belgium   As critical care specialists, we are faced with strong physical and emotional challenges every day. The work in the intensive care unit (ICU) demands a constant high level of undivided concentration...

  • Designed for Simplicity and Safety – the World’s First Ventilation Cockpit™

    www.hamilton-medical.com/new   The novel Ventilation Cockpit announced by HAMILTON MEDICAL is designed to reduce complexity and to promote safer ventilation. It is unique to the new HAMILTON-G5 intelligent ventilator to be introduced during the ISICEM in Brussels (27-30, March).   The Ventilation Cockpit presents data...

  • International Action Needed to Increase Health Force

    www.who.int   A new international Task Force was launched under the auspices of the Global Health Workforce Alliance (GHWA) in order to tackle the global shortage of health workers, announced the World Health Organization (WHO). The new Task Force will advocate the need for significantly increased investment in the education and...

  • Burnout in Intensive Care

    Authors Dr Ritu Gupta, FCA RCSI Specialist Registrar in Anaesthesia   Dr Julian Bion, FRCP FRCA MD Reader in Intensive Care Medicine   Dr Alfred White, FRCP Consultant Psychiatrist University Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust & University of Birmingham, UK [email protected]...

  • Ventilators, Intensive Care

    ECRI is a totally independent nonprofit research agency designated as a Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization (WHO). Such organizations are appointed to contribute to WHO’s public health mission by providing specialized knowledge, expertise, and support in the health field to the WHO and its member nations. ECRI is widely recognized...

  • Medical Informatics Improves Quality of Care in the Intensive Care Unit

    Authors Vitaly Herasevich, MD, PhD Research Fellow   Ognjen Gajic, MD, MSc Assistant Professor of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA [email protected]   Advances in medical...

  • Changing the Organization of ICUs in American Combat Support Hospitals

    Authors LTC Kurt W Grathwohl, MD, FS, FCCP Anesthesiology Service Department of Surgery Brooke Army Medical Center Fort Sam Houston, USA [email protected]   MAJ Jason Adyellote, MD Anesthesiology Service Brooke Army Medical Center and Department of Surgery Fort...

  • An interview with Dr. Gilberto Felipe Vazquez de Anda

    Dr. Vazquez de Anda is the Coordinator of Critical Care Medicine at ISSEMYM Medical Center, Toluca, Mexico – a publicly funded, high-care, specialty, university/teaching hospital with approximately 28,000 patients per year. In this interview with Amanda Heggestad, Dr. Vazquez de Anda shares his experiences and vision for the future of management of...

  • The Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group

    Authors John A Myburgh PhD, FANZCA, FJFICM Chairman   Simon R Finfer FRCP, FRCA, FJFICM Immediate Past Chairman   Rinaldo Bellomo MD, FRACP, FJFICM Inaugural Chairman, ANZICS Clinical Trials Group Carlton, Australia   Introduction The specialty of intensive...

  • Euroanaesthesia 2007

    Author Jennifer M Hunter, MB ChB PhD FRCA Chairman Scientific Programme Committee, ESA University Department of Anaesthesia Clinical Sciences, Liverpool, UK [email protected]   Euroanaesthesia 2007 takes ESA members to the beautifully elegant Bavarian city of Munich for the first time this...

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