• Largest Study on Stroke and Fabry Disease (SIFAP)

    At the “Stroke in Young Fabry Patients” conference, which took place in Berlin, in February 2007, the largest study on the causes of stroke in young patients up to date, SIFAP, was launched. The main focus of the study is Fabry Disease – one of the possible causes of this type of stroke. In the first step (SIFAP1), a total of 5,000 young stroke patients...

  • New Initiative to Tackle Health Worker Migration

    The Health Worker Migration Policy Initiative held its first meeting on 15th May at the World Health Organization’s (WHO) headquarters in Geneva. It is aimed at finding practical solutions to the worsening problem of health worked migration from developing to developed countries. The initiative, convened and co-funded by the Global Health Workforce...

  • Economic Impact of Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections

    Authors Dominique M. Vandijck, MSc, MA Department of Intensive Care, Ghent University Hospital – Ghent University, Belgium   Johan M. Decruyenaere, MD, PhD Director Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Units, Ghent University Hospital, Professor in Intensive Care and Internal...

  • Tested Disposable Invasive Blood Pressure Transducers all Perform Excellently

    Author   Erik Billiet , MSc Biomedical Engineering Head of Department, University of Ghent, Belgium Forum is the new rubric of ICU Management providing a discussion platform for critical care practitioners. The following article is a response to Dr. Cochard's "Performance evaluation of European pressure...

  • Combining Medicine and Justice: ICU Nurses can Help Heal Patients’ Lives

    Author Constance A. Hoyt, MSN, RN University of California, Riverside, California, USA   Critical care providers are often confronted with patients who may have been victims of crime, neglect or abuse. Nurses can easily combine their regular patient care duties with some basic forensic practices to help identify...

  • Risk Analysis: Techniques for Improving Patient Safety in Critical Care

    Author Andrew Smith, FRCA, MRCP Royal Lancaster Infirmary and Institute for Health Research, Lancaster University, UK   Introduction The ‘patient safety’ movement has come about through an appreciation that the techniques and approaches that have been used to improve safety in other industries can be applied...

  • Medic Clean Air Introduces Renewed Website

    www.mediccleanair.com   MedicCleanAir recently presented its renovated website, based on the company’s years of experience in Infection Control. The website offers information about different airborne problems and their solutions. Attention is particularly drawn to the New Generation Mobile HEPA Units with computerized hygiene...

  • Maquet Critical Care Receives FDA 510(K) Clearance for its SERVO-I Ventilator with NAVA

    www.maquet.com   Maquet Critical Care announced that it has received 510 (K) clearance by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market the company’s SERVO-I ventilator with the NAVA (Neutrally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist) option. According to Maquet, NAVA is a new approach to mechanical ventilation which allows the patient’s...

  • There is Something in Hospital Air

    Author Mart Geraerts Senior Consultant: Indoor Air Quality in Medical Facilities Economist: Walsberghe NV - Europe [email protected]   It is a known fact that tuberculosis, aspergillus, chicken pox, measles and MRSA-containing particles float around in the indoor air of most hospitals. Numerous publications...

  • The Major Challenges Facing Australian Intensive Care Over the Next 10 Years

    Author Dr Arthas Flabouris, FJFICM Staff Specialist Intensive Care Unit, Royal Adelaide Hospital Clinical Lecturer, University of Adelaide Adelaide, Australia [email protected]   This article outlines some of the challenges and opportunities for the Australian intensive care environment...

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