Urine sample container Deltalab

Urine sample container Deltalab

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Experience, innovation and quality work together once again to provide health and safety solutions to the process of sample collection, transport and in vitro analysis in clinical laboratories. Deltalab has launched the new urine container of 120 ml. for vacuum tube. The advantages over traditional container are multiple and revolve around three main areas: safety, health and ease of use. As being a closed system, it prevents contamination of the sample and also contamination of the user and the work environment. It avoids spillage loss of sample needed for analysis, facilitates the process for the user (either technical or by the patient), and sanitizes the process, as It enables clean transfer of the urine test contained in the bottle directly to the vacuum tube. The set is classified as EC IVD and it is designed for use with vacuum tubes. The innovation resides in the cap, which includes a cannula with a needle inside. Operation is simple: the needle pierces the tube and the sample is sucked by vacuum into the tube, which is ready for further analysis.
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Plaza de la Verneda, 1 Pol. Ind. La Llana,
Rubi (Barcelona)
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