Medical swab with test tube Deltalab

Medical swab with test tube Deltalab

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Sterile swabs, ready for use. Designed for sampling which may contain traces of DNA, in order to separate them from other genetic material, amplify and identify by PCR techniques or other genomic applications. These swabs are certified free of human DNA. Composed by a swab protected by a polypropylene tube, which facilitates the transport of the sample once collected. The swab holder is made of polystyrene and head is made in viscose or polyester, depending on the code. The tube is labeled with code, description, lot, expiration date, barcode and space to write sample specifications (location, date, etc.). The own label seals the tube, acting as a seal of guarantee. Shelf life: 48 months from the date of sterilization.
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Plaza de la Verneda, 1 Pol. Ind. La Llana,
Rubi (Barcelona)
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