Tissue automatic sample preparation system / paraffin embedding / for histology Tissue-Tek® AutoTEC® Sakura Finetek Europe

Tissue automatic sample preparation system / paraffin embedding / for histology Tissue-Tek® AutoTEC® Sakura Finetek Europe
Tissue-Tek® AutoTEC®

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The Tissue-Tek® AutoTEC® Automated Embedder is the synonym for real automation. Combined with the unique Tissue-Tek® Paraform® Sectionable Cassette System, it provides a complete system to automate your embedding. Automated embedding can solve staffing problems, eliminate orientation errors and prevent the loss of tissue samples throughout the process. The Tissue-Tek® AutoTEC® can embed 120 Tissue-Tek® Paraform® cassettes per hour. It is a real workhorse, creating a gentle working environment in the histopathology laboratory, and fits perfectly with the revolutionary, continuous rapid tissue processor, Tissue-Tek® Xpress®. The Tissue-Tek® AutoTEC® Automated Embedder and Tissue-Tek® Paraform® Sectionable Cassette System offer you: The system to fully automate your embedding No more opening of the cassette from grossing through sectioning Continuous loading of your blocks after processing A throughput of 120 blocks per hour, matching the capacity of the Tissue-Tek® Xpress® Continuous Rapid Tissue Processor
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Postbus 362,
Alphen aan den Rijn
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