Cytology laboratory centrifuge / bench-top Cyto-Tek® Sakura Finetek Europe

Cytology laboratory centrifuge / bench-top Cyto-Tek® Sakura Finetek Europe

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The Cyto-Tek® Cytocentrifuge is a bench-top centrifuge for cytological specimens that transfers cells from fluids to glass slides for microscopic examination. Cell dispersion on the glass slide is in a specific, square area, with all cells from the specimen deposited evenly on the slide. Paced acceleration is always on, eliminating operator bias in assessing cell fragility. It will operate at speeds from 500 to 2.500 rpm, adjustable in increments of 100 rpm, for periods from 1 minute to 60 minutes. Three sizes of specimen chambers are available for the unit. The 1 mL chamber is disposable and accommodates as little as 0.1 mL of fluid. The 6 mL and 12 mL chambers are reusable. The centrifuge has a 12-specimen holder capacity.
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Postbus 362,
Alphen aan den Rijn
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