Staining automatic sample preparation system / for histology Tissue-Tek® DRS™ 2000 Sakura Finetek Europe

Staining automatic sample preparation system / for histology Tissue-Tek® DRS™ 2000 Sakura Finetek Europe
Tissue-Tek® DRS™ 2000

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The Tissue-Tek® DRS™ 2000 Slide Stainer offers multiplestaining protocols in a true random access mode. Based on current workload demands, the system can handle up to 11 sets of 40 slides at a time. The operator selects from 20 methods stored in memory, presses START and walks away. It is a simple but intelligent instrument for unsurpassed productivity - slide after slide, shift after shift.
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:17:"Preparation type:";s:3:"val";s:8:"staining";}}
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Alphen aan den Rijn
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