Tissue automatic sample preparation system / for histology / vacuum Tissue-Tek® Xpress® x series Sakura Finetek Europe

Tissue automatic sample preparation system / for histology / vacuum Tissue-Tek® Xpress® x series Sakura Finetek Europe
Tissue-Tek® Xpress® x series

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The advanced automation of the Tissue-Tek® Xpress® Continuous Rapid Tissue Processor continues with the next generation of the Xpress® platform: Tissue-Tek® Xpress® x Series, the only rapid tissue processor that actually speeds up the process. With the improved reagent system, enhanced QC possibilities and software options, the histopathology laboratory will achieve new levels of speed in processing, with an hourly throughput of up to 120 specimens. The Xpress® x Series uses an innovative, low-wattage microwave technology, improved, molecularfriendly reagents and traditional vacuum infiltration techniques to provide consistent, superior results in record time. The speed and continuous throughput of the Tissue-Tek® Xpress® x Series allow an even distribution of cases throughout the day, making workloads more manageable. Specimen slides now make their way to the pathologist faster than ever, enabling same-day diagnosis and thus drastically reducing patient stay and anxiety. The Tissue-Tek® Xpress® x Series is the only platform offering you: Consistent processing in 1 hour An efficient, manageable, continuous workflow Same day results by real reduction of turn-around time Reduction of reagent usage up to 80% Formalin- and xylene-free fixation and processing
Postbus 362,
Alphen aan den Rijn
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