Hydrocephalus shunt valve -valve- Integra™ Novus™ INTEGRA

Hydrocephalus shunt valve -valve- Integra™ Novus™ INTEGRA
Integra™ Novus™

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In the recumbent sitting or standing position physiological CSF flow is regulated within standard ranges of intraventricular pressure (IVP) by the Integra™ Novus™ Valve System. A normally open design is characterized by the integral Anti-Siphon Device that combines with the valve in order to keep IVP within usual limits at the same time minimize over drainage. To maximize patient care and treatment, significant equilibrium between intracranial and cerebrovascular pressures is maintained by this approach. The pressure ranges vary from low to medium. It is available in standard and mini size with Valve only or Two piece kit configurations. According to ASTM F2503 Magnetic Resonance is safe.
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