Diagnostic video recorder / with touchscreen / high-definition 22" | VersaPaxx VP222-AV Ampronix

Diagnostic video recorder / with touchscreen / high-definition 22" | VersaPaxx VP222-AV Ampronix
22" | VersaPaxx VP222-AV

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The Versapaxx VP222-AV allows you to capture, analyze, and transfer high definition medical video information with just a tap of its color touch screen. The VP222-AV is loaded with measurement and annotation tools that enable you to perform a complete analysis and evaluation. Information contained in patient files can be stored on disc, on a USB drive, or on the network. It can be retrieved the same way.
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:8:"Options:";s:3:"val";s:45:"high-definition, with touchscreen, diagnostic";}}
15 Whatney,
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