Concentric stimulation lead / bipolar BCS Inomed Medizintechnik

Concentric stimulation lead / bipolar BCS Inomed Medizintechnik

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The BCS Probes (Bipolar Concentric Stimulation Probes) comes with a concentric probe tip that ensures selective and non-traumatic nerve stimulation. The BCS Probes (Bipolar Concentric Stimulation Probes) can be used in skullbase, thyroid surgery, cerebello pontine angle, surgery of the spinal cord and parotidectomy. The BCS Probes come as bayonet or straight form in several variations. The BCS Probes help surgeons differentiate between individual nerves. Also BCS Probes with ball-shaped tips allow additional preparation during continuous stimulation.
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Im Hausgrün 29,
79312 Emmendingen
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