Comarch Medical Concierge

Comarch Medical Concierge
An expanded portal for patients

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Comarch Medical Concierge


The solution enables easy communication between patients and doctors outside doctors’ offices. Thanks to the portal, medical staff have comprehensive data on patients’ conditions, and can monitor the treatment process remotely. The solution allows some of the activities to be performed online, which results in reduced queues at medical facilities. The medical Concierge benefits both patients and medical staff.



Functionalities for the patient


• remote registration for an appointment

• possibility to complete all required documents before the visit - less time spent waiting for an appointment

   access to examination results and medical recommendations from previous visits

• remote ordering of prescriptions

• ability to remotely ask questions about examination results

• medical surveys

• a health diary

• online consultation and advice (chat, audio, video)

• extensive and reliable medical knowledge base

• personalized advice based on the patient’s health and medical history

• a secure contact box for communication with the doctor


Functionalities for medical staff


• possibility to track each patient’s treatment.

• patient profiling based on data completed in the portal

• direct contact with patients

• gathering additional information that can facilitate diagnosis by a physician

• ability to respond more quickly to results that raise concern or irregularities in the treatment process


24/7 patient care

The patient portal is like a virtual clinic accessible through a browser or a mobile app. It enables patients to contact doctors and take part in online consultations.



Integration of solutions

The portal integrates a medical facility’s existing systems, thus offering a uniform and intuitive access interface.



Less work for the staff

Patients book appointments directly on the portal, complete the required documents, get access to their medical records, and can also complete the health diary



Greater marketing opportunities

Profiling patients and generating marketing campaigns based on real data make it possible to more effectively tailor offers and services to patients’ needs

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