Comarch CardioVest

Comarch CardioVest
Solution to prevent, diagnose and supervise cardiac disorders

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Comarch CardioVest is a solution used to perform preventive examinations, diagnostics andsupervision of adult patients with cardiological disorders. The innovative technology records and transfers ECG data to the telemedicine platform. The implemented algorithm interprets the data and conducts advanced analysis of ECG signals, automatically detecting crucial disorders and deviations from standard. The solution makes it possible to shorten long-term ECG monitoring analysis significantly, and to verify the recording fully, without manual signal processing.



How does it work?

The simple modular structure and wireless data transmission of the CardioVest system enable ECG reading and analysis after every 24 hours of the examination. The system consists of two independent recorders carried interchangeably, changed every 24 hours. The first recorder is installed on a vest, while the other one, concurrently, fully automatically, and without engaging the patient, sends the records of the completed part of the examination. This means there is no need to wait until an examination ends to obtain the results, enabling earlier reaction to cardiac rhythm disturbances.

Elements of the CardioVest system

Dock Transmission Station
  • Station transmitting data from the Recorder to the Remote Care Center
  • Maintenance-free
  • A wide range of communication capabilities with Monitoring Center (3G, WiFi, LAN)
ECG Vest
  • Allows recording of ECG signal
  • Comfortable to wear (light, body-fit)
  • Biocompatible, non-allergic materials
  • Special material electrodes ensure high recording quality 
Sensor Recorders
A set consisting of two independent recorders of different colors.
  • Battery life longer than 24h
  • Self-operating
  • Wireless
  • Small in size
  • Minimum weight
  • Communication LEDs
Comarch Medical Analysis Platform (CMAP)
Algorithms used to save time and personnel resources. Detection of, among other things:
  • Tachycardia
  • Bradycardia
  • Pause
  • Atrial fibrillation




Comarch CardioVest System Infographic

Discover how it works:

See the infographic






  • Due to suspicion of cardiac rhythm disturbances (with special emphasis on disturbances which rarely occur in a time unit, where standard 24/72 h classical Holter examination has not brought any lesions to light)
  • With syncopes
  • After ischemic strokes of unknown etiology



  • After acute coronary syndromesand revascularization surgery
  • After cardiac surgery
  • After cardiac ablation procedures
  • With chronic circulatory insufficiency
  • Wth congenital cardiac defects
  • To assess the efficacy of pharmacological treatment



  • Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
  • Genetic cardiac rhythm disturbances in patients suspected of being prone to such
  • Problems arising in individual athletes performing at amateur and professional level





Comarch CardioVest is a solution used to perform preventive examinations, diagnostics and supervision of patients with cardiological disorders.


Thanks to the innovative technology of the CardioVest system, long-term ECG monitoring is possible without the application of any electrodes, which greatly improves the patient’s comfort. 


Until the CardioVest system, there was no method of recording ECG signals reliably and safely. The technology records and transfers ECG data to the telemedicine platform. The implemented algorithm interprets the data and conducts advanced analysis of ECG signals, automatically detecting crucial disorders and deviations from standard. The solution makes it possible to shorten long-term ECG monitoring analysis significantly, and to verify the recording fully, without manual signal processing. The simple modular structure and wireless data transmission of the CardioVest system enable ECG reading and analysis after every 24 hours of the examination. 


The system consists, among other things, of two independent recorders carried interchangeably, which the patient changes every 24 hours. The first recorder is installed on a vest, while the other one, concurrently, fully automatically, and without engaging the patient, sends the records of the completed part of the examination. This method means there is no need to wait until an examination ends to obtain the results. It enables earlier reaction to any detected cardiac rhythm disturbances.


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