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    HIMSS Women in IT Awards

    • IT
    • 02/01/2017

    In recognition of women "who have made a difference" in health IT, the Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) has announced   the recipients of the inaugural HIMSS Mos

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    FDA Guidance for Mobile Devices

    • IT
    • 02/01/2017

    Amid criticism that it was not doing enough to address the cyber vulnerabilities in medical devices, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued guidelines on how manufacturers can protec

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    Biggest Health Data Hacks of 2016

    • IT
    • 27/12/2016

      Cybercriminals were able to break into records of nine providers and a business associate in 2016. The number of records accessed was down significantly from 2015, when cyberattacks hit large

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    Tips for Hiring Top HIT Staff

    • IT
    • 27/12/2016

      Hospitals do what they can to recruit the best doctors and nurses. However, it's just as important to attract the right people to take care of your hospital’s IT needs.   With all the

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    ‘No More Ransom’ Grows: Thousands of Users Get Hacked Data Without Paying

    • IT
    • 20/12/2016

    The 'No More Ransom' campaign, jointly set up by Intel Security, Kaspersky Lab, Europol and the Dutch National police in the summer has expanded with 34 additional decryptors added to its...

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    Health Tech to Watch in 2017

    • IT
    • 20/12/2016

    Which technologies are likely to see expanded use in healthcare next year? Hospitals continue to pour money into IT investments aimed at improving services and overall quality of care. Laborat

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    The Top Paying IT Jobs in 2017

    • IT
    • 19/12/2016

    Good news for those who occupy key positions in IT departments, including CIO, CTO and chief security officer (CSO). Although IT budgets are expected to see only flat growth in 2017, organisations...

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    Stronger CMO-CIO Collaboration Needed

    • IT
    • 12/12/2016

      Consumerism is a growing trend in healthcare. Today, consumers are directly paying for more of their healthcare costs, both for the care itself and insurance coverage. In particular, only 48 p

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    Expert Tips on Outdated IT Security

    • IT
    • 12/12/2016

    It's time to say goodbye to outdated security tools (and beliefs) and shift to a "new era of security". For example, flat networks, compliance-only security and SOC-less security are amongst the...

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    How Secure is the Healthcare Cloud?

    • IT
    • 05/12/2016

      Security of patient data is a key aspect of a hospital's operation. Thus, it's important for healthcare providers to ensure that they only deal with IT companies that can develop solutions tha


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