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    New CMS Centralised Repository for Registry Info

    • IT
    • 02/05/2017

    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has launched a new centralised repository for public health agency and clinical data registry reporting. The CMS Centralised Repository serves as an...

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    Fixing EHRs: Better Interface and Workflow

    • IT
    • 01/05/2017

    Many in the healthcare field, especially physicians, often have unpleasant things to say about EHRs. A common complaint is that EHRs are not designed to streamline physician workflow. See Also...

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    EHR Training Platform for Medical Students

    • IT
    • 25/04/2017

    While EHRs are tools that physicians use in their work, still many medical students are entering residency unfamiliar with how this technology works. Now a new training programme launched by the...

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    Uptick in Health Data Breaches

    • IT
    • 25/04/2017

    A new report from Protenus shows an increase in security incidents in March, with the number of patient records breached also on the rise. There were 39 breach incidents last month, affecting 1,519,5

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    Is Healthcare Ready for Blockchain?

    • IT
    • 18/04/2017

    A number of obstacles must be overcome before blockchain can have widespread implementation in healthcare, according to technology experts. These include regulations, implementation costs, technical...

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    Cybersecurity: The Need for Clear Standards

    • IT
    • 18/04/2017

    The lack of standardisation regarding security frameworks – and the implementation of those frameworks – is the biggest weak spot in cybersecurity today, according to a security expert with the FBI....

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    Hacker 2017 Targets

    • IT
    • 11/04/2017

    Hospitals are the "bull's-eye" for hackers this year, with Bitcoin making it easier for criminals to pursue ransomware attacks. The convergence of vulnerable legacy hardware and software systems...

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    EHR Optimisation: Key Things to Consider

    • IT
    • 10/04/2017

    Poor implementation is a major reason why physicians and other users dislike their EHRs. Often, doctors and other staff feel new EHRs were dumped on them and haven’t been designed to make their work...

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    For Organisations, AI Key to Staying Competitive

    • IT
    • 04/04/2017

    Use of artificial intelligence technology is expanding not just in IT departments but also in other areas of business. Indeed, based on a global survey, a large majority (84 percent) of organisations

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    Hackers Shift Focus to Unstructured Data

    • IT
    • 03/04/2017

    The number of healthcare records accessed by cyberattacks in 2016 is lower compared to the previous year's tally, according to a new report from IBM. In total, 12 million records were compromised...


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