Join us on August 12th at 1 PM EST/10 AM PST for a free community webinar event "Improving Intracranial Hemorrhage and Stroke Prioritization with End-to-End AI" with EnvoyAI and TeraRecon partner MaxQ AI.
When is the webinar?
August 12th at 1 PM EST/10 AM PST
What will I learn?
- How integrated end-to-end AI workflows are delivering new insights and allowing physician interaction to optimize interpretations and accelerate care.
- How AI can drive prioritization at the patient bedside through the EMR and near real-time in the radiologist's worklist to improve patient outcomes.
- How TeraRecon, EnvoyAI and MaxQ AI are coming together to help solve prioritization challenges for non-contrast head CT’s for trauma.
- And much more!
Register now
Learn more about Terarecon here
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CT, Stroke, EMR, TeraRecon, physicians, radiologist, patient outcomes, Artificial Intelligence, AI, TeraRecon webinar, EnvoyAI, head CT, intracranial haemorrhage, stroke prioritisation, end-to-end AI, MaxQ AI, AI workflow, physician interaction, non-contrast head CT, GI Trauma
Join us on August 12th at 1 PM EST/10 AM PST for a free community webinar event "Improving Intracranial Hemorrhage and Stroke Prioritization with End-to-End AI" with EnvoyAI and TeraRecon partner MaxQ AI.