Advanced visualization and artificial intelligence (AI) technology provider, TeraRecon, today announced that it has reached agreement with Insignia Medical Systems to make its EnvoyAI™ platform available to Insignia’s vast PACS and Regional Image Sharing Platform (RISP) networks currently running in over 200 United Kingdom (U.K.) healthcare sites.
EnvoyAI is the world's first medical imaging AI marketplace and interoperability platform, currently offering over 80 algorithms with 20 holding regulatory clearances in various global territories. It allows clinicians to experiment with its ever-growing number of commercial-ready and research-use AI products. Health systems can enter into one simple contractual agreement and run all algorithms on the EnvoyAI platform identically, interchangeably, and with immediate access.
Richard Dormer, Managing Director of Insignia, said “With access to EnvoyAI via the Insignia RISP and Insignia PACS systems, we make it possible for clinicians to work locally and to collaborate with AI innovations across entire U.K. regions. Insignia client locations are home to tens of thousands of clinicians that are now able to experience EnvoyAI and access its full range of artificial intelligence algorithms alongside the impressive Insignia PACS integration and workflow capabilities.”
The U.K. National Health Service has been making significant investments in the development and adoption of AI technologies, including algorithm creation and testing of novel AI-driven medical imaging workflows. TeraRecon has also made significant investments in AI technology including the EnvoyAI platform, the Northstar™ AI Results Explorer, and a sophisticated developer portal that is used by data scientists and AI companies to turn their AI projects into secure EnvoyAI-compatible image processing engines, accessible by a rapidly growing number of EnvoyAI key opinion leaders and clinical end-user installations.
“Even the most polished and proven new algorithms cannot deliver any impact without actually being incorporated into the clinical workflow so that they can be used. We provide a revolutionary new kind of AI technology platform which allows these algorithms to be accessed and run simultaneously, and to have their remarkable results directly incorporated into the electronic health record, the radiology PACS and even clinical decision support systems” said Jeff Sorenson, President and CEO of TeraRecon. He continued, “This partnership is one of the first of its kind to extend the reach of imaging AI far beyond the academic or research realm into the regional and community facilities that arguably need it most.”
TeraRecon technologies including the EnvoyAI platform, TeraRecon Northstar AI Results Explorer, and its flagship iNtuition™ advanced visualization solution, will be on display at the UK Imaging and Oncology Congress (Book a demo at UKIO) in Liverpool, England from June 10th – June 12th, 2019. Online demonstrations are available by contacting TeraRecon at [email protected].
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PACS, TeraRecon, medical imaging, iNtuition, Artificial Intelligence, AI, advanced visualization, EnvoyAI, EnvoyAITM platform, Insignia, Regional Image Sharing Platform, RISP, medical imaging AI, medical AI, Northstar AI Results Explorer
Advanced visualization and artificial intelligence (AI) technology provider, TeraRecon, today announced that it has reached agreement with Insignia Medical Systems to make its EnvoyAITM platform available to Insignia’s vast PACS and Regional Image Sharing