Search Tag: medical AI

IT Management

2024 23 May

  OpenAI’s ChatGPT, powered by generative pretrained transformer language models, has shown promise in various fields, including medicine and radiology, despite its default version not being fine-tuned for specific domains. Studies have demonstrated its potential in assisting with decision-making, protocol creation, and patient inquiries. However,...Read more

IMAGING Management

2024 23 May

  OpenAI’s ChatGPT, powered by generative pretrained transformer language models, has shown promise in various fields, including medicine and radiology, despite its default version not being fine-tuned for specific domains. Studies have demonstrated its potential in assisting with decision-making, protocol creation, and patient inquiries. However,...Read more

Artificial Intelligence

2024 23 May

  OpenAI’s ChatGPT, powered by generative pretrained transformer language models, has shown promise in various fields, including medicine and radiology, despite its default version not being fine-tuned for specific domains. Studies have demonstrated its potential in assisting with decision-making, protocol creation, and patient inquiries. However,...Read more

IT Management

2020 09 Jul

Artificial intelligence (AI) is facilitating dramatic changes in healthcare – from more precise diagnoses to personalised therapies. As AI makes delivery of care become more efficient, corresponding reduction in costs follows.   Amidst this AI-driven transformation in healthcare, attention has focused on the need to have more professionals...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 20 Jun

Advanced visualization and artificial intelligence (AI) technology provider, TeraRecon , today announced it has successfully completed an FDA regulatory review of its Northstar™ AI Results Explorer, for which the technology and the determination are both firsts-of-kind in the medical imaging industry.  Northstar is designed to work alongside the company’s...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 10 Jun

Advanced visualization and artificial intelligence (AI) technology provider, TeraRecon , today announced that it has reached agreement with Insignia Medical Systems to make its EnvoyAI™ platform available to Insignia’s vast PACS and Regional Image Sharing Platform (RISP) networks currently running in over 200 United Kingdom (U.K.) healthcare sites. ...Read more