The article outlines how to deal with COVID-19 cases and suggests ways in which radiology departments can help contain spread of infection spread to protect hospital staff and patients in other departments.
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Cases in China have decreased while
countries such as Italy and Iran have seen a rapid increase in cases that has
led to severe strain on their respective healthcare systems.
Since CT findings are no longer part of diagnostic criteria for COVID-19, radiology departments are shifting their focus from diagnostic capability to preparedness.
This involves radiology units having sufficient capacity for continued operation during the COVID-19 emergency while maintaining support for the preparedness entire hospital.
Radiologists from Washington, New York, Georgia, California, Wisconsin and Singapore have contributed their views on infection control, devised with colleagues within their institutions.
They detail their top priorities for COVID-19 preparedness and necessary implementation steps.
In Washington, hospitals have begun screening at the main entrances to hospitals with a high flow of patients forCOVID-19 symptoms. Radiology unit front desks implement additional screening.Patients with respiratory symptoms who are undergoing outpatient imaging or procedures have their imaging exams cancelled and are referred back to their primary care physician.
At Singapore General Hospital, is re-thinking how radiology can deliver optimal imaging and treatment while reducing unnecessary movement and congregation of patients within our hospital environment.
This involves more emphasis on tele-consultation and electronic smart appointment.
Source: RSNA
Image credit: Pixabay