• Robotic Telepresence Rounding

    A uthor Paul Vespa, MD Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Neurology David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA University of California, Los Angeles   Dr Vespa writes on the benefits of Robotic Telepresence based on practical experience at UCLA Neurointensive Care Unit.   The Problem...

  • Ventilators for Critical Care

    ECRI is a totally independent non profit research agency designated as a Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization (WHO). Such organizations are appointed to contribute to WHO’s public health mission by providing specialized knowledge, expertise, and support in the health field to the WHO and its member nations. ECRI is widely recognized...

  • European Parliament – The Voice of European Citizens

    A uthor Helicia Herman Editor European Affairs C orrespondence [email protected]   Overview The European Parliament (EP) represents the interests of the people of the European Union Member States. The President directs all activities of the Parliament and acts as its representative. Since...

  • Outreach in the UK

    A uthor Sarah Bateman RGN, Dip(HE)MNS, Senior Sister, Critical Care Outreach Team, Southampton University Hospitals Trust, UK C orrespondence [email protected]   A cknowledgements Thank you to the Critical Care Outreach Team at SUHT for...

  • The Essentials of Conflict Management

    Skill in conflict resolution and management is an important tool for those involved in any aspect of critical care medicine, but especially for those in leadership positions. Failure to accurately assess and manage conflict can result in a number of deleterious effects with important implications for patient care. Introduction Conflict...

  • Team Management of Patient-Centred Conflicts in the ICU

    Team management is important in running an ICU. Team members have little faith that conflicts can be dealt with effect.  In this article indicators of (impending) conflicts are provided. Patient-centred team meetings are powerful tool to deal with these conflicts, for which a model is presented. Introduction There is general awareness...

  • Your Relevant Directorate-Generals and Commissioners

    Author Helicia Herman Editor European Affairs C orrespondence [email protected]   Helician Herman overviews the European Commission Directorate-Generals, active in policies relevant to ICU Managers and presents examples of their legislation, activities and contact details.   DG Enterprise & Industry...

  • Products, Companies and Research

    W ebsite ESA www.euroanesthesia.org ISICEM www.intensive.org Maquet www.maquet.com SIRS-Lab www.sirs-lab.com BIOSITE ® Inc. www.biosite.com Zoll www.zoll.com   ESA Poster Awards There were three awards for abstracts at Euroaneasthesia...

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids in the ICU - A Remunerative Investment?

    Authors Axel R. Heller MD, PhD, DEAA Thea Koch MD, PhD, Head of Department Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, University of Technology, Dresden, Germany A cknowledgement This research...

  • Organisation of IC in Luxembourg

    Author Margaret Hemmer MD, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg C orrespondence [email protected]   FTE = Full time equivalent nurses budgeted for each ICU Source: UCM with the agreement of the Directorate of Health.   Dr Hemmer describes the organisation of health- and intensive care in...

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