• Interview with Peter Arlett: Proposing a Medicinal Products Regulation

    Interviewee Peter Arlett Principal Administrator at the Pharmaceuticals Unit, DG Enterprise and Industry   C orrespondence [email protected]   Peter Arlett’s responsibilities include amongst others medicines for children, the safety of medicines,  orphan medicines and international relations....

  • Pulse High Volume Haemofiltration (PHVHF): Novel Treatment for Sepsis

    Authors Claudio Ronco Ranistha Ratanarat Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation, Ospedale San Bortolo, Vicenza, Italia C orrespondence [email protected]   Pulse high volume haemofiltration (PHVHF) in the treatment of sepsis may offer a practical, efficacious and relatively inexpensive compromise between...

  • National IC Evaluation (NICE): A Dutch Quality Control System

    Authors On behalf of the NICE foundation   Nicolette F. de Keizer Dept. of Medical Informatics,   Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands   Evert de Jonge Dept. of Intensive Care, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands   The National Intensive...

  • Health and IC in Belgium

    A uthors On behalf of the Belgian Society of Intensive Care Medicine   Koenraad Hendrik D.K. Vandewoude Dept.of Intensive Care, Centre for Solid Organ Transplantation Ghent University Hospital   Patrick Ferdinande MD, PhD, Department of Intensive Care, Universitaire...

  • After ICU

    One of the most positive components of our roles in intensive care is that on any given day we are privy to real-life dramas wherein patients, who often enter our units with low scores and little hope of survival; endure, fight, recover and ultimately move to the wards  or leave hospital. These stories  are inspiring, and rewarding, and they remind...

  • In Memoriam

    If ever a doctor deserved the title of “Father of Critical Care Medicine”, it is Dr. Max Harry Weil, MD, PhD, ScD (Hon). Concerned by the lack of close monitoring of critically ill patients, in 1958 Dr. Weil developed the famous Shock Unit at the University of Southern California. He was always an innovator, full of new ideas, and passionate about...

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    Hospital Superbug Debugged

    • ICU
    • 17/10/2011

    An international team of scientists led by Monash University researchers has uncovered how a common hospital bacterium becomes a deadly superbug...

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    Practical Play: Interactive Video Games Appear Valuable for ICU Patien

    • ICU
    • 10/10/2011

    Interactive video games, already known to improve motor function in recovering stroke patients, appear to safely enhance physical therapy for patients...

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    ESICM 2011 - Kimberly-Clark To Host Symposium Focusing On Oral Care Fo

    • ICU
    • 28/09/2011

    Four leading experts in the care of critically ill patients will be taking part in a symposium hosted by Kimberly-Clark Healthcare at this year's...

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    Underweight COPD Patients at Higher Risk of Death

    • ICU
    • 28/09/2011

    Patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are at a higher risk of death if they are underweight. A new study, which...

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