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    Physicians Use Therapeutic Cooling to Treat Cardiac Arrest Patients

    • ICU
    • 25/10/2011

    Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in the United States, and just 7 percent of victims survive that initial collapse. In addition,...

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    Why Steroid Treatment for COPD Is Ineffective

    • ICU
    • 25/10/2011

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) leads to persistent inflammation of the airways and is typically managed with corticosteroids, a class...

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    Why Steroid Treatment for COPD Is Ineffective

    • ICU
    • 25/10/2011

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) leads to persistent inflammation of the airways and is typically managed with corticosteroids, a class...

  • ICU Design – Does it Matter?

    Professor Flaatten explains how design can affect patient outcome, and reports data collected from a temporary ICU set-up during reconstruction of his ICU at Haukeland University. Does design matter? Intuitively most intensivists would probably answer yes to this question, given the experience we all have from various designs and functions...

  • ICU Telemedicine in India; Promises and Reality

    A uthors JR Raja , MD BK Abraham , MD, MRCP N Ramakrishnan AB (Int Med), AB (Crit Care) MMM, FACP, FCCP Department of Critical Care Medicine, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai, India   Dr Raja and colleagues explain the potential of telemedicine for critical care in India, the obstacles to...

  • NICE Online for Benchmarking

    A uthors On behalf of the NICE foundation P.M. Benner , MD N.F. de Keizer , PhD D.G.T. Arts , PhD R.J. Bosman , MD W ebsite www.stichting-nice.org   Dr Benner and colleagues describe the online version of the Dutch National IC Evaluation (NICE) registry, which allows real...

  • Effective Communication

    A uthor Todd Dorman, MD, FCCM Ronald Pauldine MD, Fellow Johns Hopkins University [email protected]   Recent research is informing on the impact of poor communication skills in intensive care practice. Dr Todd Dorman reviews the sources and consequences of ineffective communication...

  • Lobbying MEPs

    A uthors Helicia Herman Editor European Affairs Sonja Planitzer Editor European Affairs C orrespondence [email protected]   Helicia Herman and Sonja Planitzer explain what an MEP can do for you, how to reach the right person, how to prepare for lobbying, and present advice from...

  • An MEP´s Job

    A uthor Richard Corbett Party of the European Socialists (PES) C orrespondence [email protected] W ebsite http://europa.eu.int/comm/commission_barroso/kallas/transparency_en.htm   Richard Corbett describes the role of an MEP, and in particular how this compares...

  • 11th International Symposium on Infections in the Critically Ill Patient

    A uthors Antonio Artigas Critical Care Centre, Sabadell Hospital University Institute Parc Taulí Sabadell Spain   Jean Carlet Intensive Care Department Hôpital St. Joseph, Paris France   Michael Niederman Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine Winthrop University...

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