• Fluid Overload is Not Only of Cosmetic Concern

    (Part II): results from a meta-analysis and practical approach  Co-authors Colin Cordemans, MD Intensive Care Unit ZNA Stuivenberg Antwerp, Belgium Niels van Regenmortel, MD Intensive Care Unit ZNA Stuivenberg Antwerp, Belgium Introduction In a previous issue of ICU Management (volume 12, issue 1), we suggested a three hit model...

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    ICU Volume 12 - Issue 2 - Summer 2012

    • ICU
    • 15/05/2012

    COVER STORY - Education SERIES - NUTRITION MATRIX FEATURES - Video Laryngoscopy: No Longer Just for Difficult Intubations - Ulrtasonogr

  • Immune System Tricked to Accept Mismatched Donor Organs

    A group of scientists have found a method for deceiving the immune system so that it will accept organs from an incompatible donor, a finding that could help patients avoid a lifetime of medication to prevent rejection of the organ. The procedure involves suppressing the patient’s bone marrow with chemotherapy and radiation before they undergo surgery;...

  • Early Surgery for Refractory Epilepsy Improves Quality of Life

    Patients with drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy may benefit from surgical intervention soon after failure of two antiepileptic drug (AED) trials, according to results of the Early Randomized Surgical Epilepsy Trial (ERSET).       Surgery is usually seen as a last resort, but researchers have concluded that earlier intervention could help epilepsy...

  • Shortage of ICU Beds Leads to Patient Deaths

    A lacking supply of ICU beds is leading to preventable deaths, according to a study from France. Dr. Rene Robert of Hopital Jean Bernard in Poitiers, France and colleagues found that out of 1,332 patients referred to ICUs in those hospitals over a three-month period, almost 15% were turned away, at least temporarily, because there were no beds available....

  • The Intensive Care Unit of Tomorrow

    The University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht) is a 1,042 bed hospital, which admits approximately 30,000 inpatients per year. All academic specialties are present and the hospital provides a core service in heart and lung transplantations, ventricular assist devices, trauma, neurosurgery, oncology, haematology and AIDS patients. In 2004, an independent...

  • Decreasing Central Line Associated Bacteraemia in a New Zealand Intensive Care Unit

    Putting Evidence into Practice Introduction Central venous catheters are commonly used in intensive care units, with studies suggesting that approximately 50% of ICU patients have such lines inserted. Meanwhile, central line infections are responsible for 40-60% of bloodstream infections in intensive care patients, according to New South Wales...

  • An Emerging Consensus for Acute Kidney Injury

    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a hot topic in the medical arena, with prominent research and discussion ongoing, prompting amendments to recommended practice. The Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) and Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) and AKI section of the European Society Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) continue to work on counsel for clinical...

  • Dutch Intensive Care Medicine: Its Start, Professionalism and Future Prospects

    The Dutch Society of Intensive Care celebrates its 35th anniversary this year, prompting this overview of developments in intensive care medicine within the Netherlands and the society known as Nederlandse Vereniging voor Intensive Care (NVIC), looking at eras of evolution and innovation, as well as assessing what the future holds.   The Emergence...

  • Excellence in Nutrition Therapy

    Lessons from the International Nutrition Survey and the Best of the Best Awards Over recent years, nutrition therapy for critically ill patients has gained momentum as an essential part of patient care. Research into this often undervalued intervention has escalated, demonstrating that providing the right amount of...

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