• Biomarker Guided Antibiotic Therapy: What’s New?

    The aim of the present review is to summarise the current evidence for the use of biomarkers in facilitating therapeutic decision-making by guiding and tailoring the prescription and the duration of antibiotic therapy. The main benefits of this strategy are a potential reduction of antibiotics overuse in critically ill patients. Overuse of antibiotics...

  • Medication Safety

    All drugs are inherently dangerous. In critical care we give large numbers of particularly dangerous drugs to very sick people, who have little physiological reserve to cope with additional problems. When patients are admitted to or transferred out of critical care we have to transfer complex information about patients’ medications. The staff prescribing...

  • Publiometrics

    The significance of research or researchers is frequently discussed and debated, so also in the medical research field. Why do we publish? This straightforward question is often difficult to answer, at least in a simple way. As a starter we can list some reasons: We wish to make a difference for the outcome of our patients; We have an obligation...

  • Don't Forget to Ask! The Patient and Relative Perspective

    There has been good progress in the last decade to ensure that the patient voice is heard at all levels, including in research and service planning. However there is still more to be done, and this article sets out the case for meaningful intensive care patient and relative involvement and how this can be achieved. Why Involve Former Intensive...

  • Close Monitoring of ECMO Patients with a Patient Dedicated Blood Gas Analyser

    In-Line Bedside Blood Gas Analysis Enables Rapid Results For Respiratory Support Management Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is an acute support system used to aid heart and lung function in patients with severe respiratory or cardiac failure. Having its origins in the operating theatre, the use of ECMO has now migrated into the ICU....

  • Critical Care in Egypt

    The healthcare system in Egypt has come a long way, but still faces many challenges when it comes to improving the health and wellbeing of its people. Egypt has a high rate of population growth, and it is estimated that the population will reach 92 million by 2020. In order to improve the standards of critical care and to ensure physicians have a greater...

  • Fundamentals of Critical Care - Interview with Michael Pinsky

    Michael Pinsky is Professor of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, with secondary appointments in Cardiovascular Diseases, Clinical & Translational Science, Anesthesiology and Bioengineering. He is presently a Visiting Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, University of California, San Diego, USA.  Why is it important to...

  • Therapeutic Hypothermia for Cardiac Arrest

    Targeted temperature management is the key intervention for improving neurological outcomes after cardiac arrest. We discuss new data on the optimal timing and modalities of targeted temperature management.  It took nearly half a century, from 1957 to 2002, for therapeutic hypothermia to acquire its current status as a key intervention for improving...

  • Burn Care: Regionalisation, Organisation and Triage

    The interdisciplinary nature of burn care has driven centre regionalisation. The role of burn centres in the national trauma system cannot be overstated.  Burn centres, essential components of any trauma system, serve a broad base of patients, including potentially those injured in mass casualty events. Over the past fifty years, the field of burn...

  • Agenda

    DECEMBER 2-4 German Interdisciplinary Meeting on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DVI)  Leipzig, Germany  divi2015.de/startseite  7-9 Intensive Care Society: State of the Art Meeting 2015  London, UK  ics.ac.uk JANUARY 2016 10-15 6th...

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