• New Resource for Children

    An activity book for children visiting intensive care units (ICUs) has been published by ICUsteps, the UK intensive care patient and relative support charity. The resource comes with an information sheet for parents and carers to help them support the children, and can be downloaded from the ICUsteps website .   Catherine White, Information Manager,...

  • Quality in Practice: Towards a Patient-Centred View

    Professor Guidet has been a university medical professor since 1997. He is a member of the research unit INSERM U1136 at the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM), the French public organization entirely dedicated to biological, medical and public health research.   Guidet is past President (2008 – 2010) of the French...

  • National ICU Quality Indicators Revisited

    The last two decades have seen an accelerated interest in quality management in healthcare in general, and also in intensive care specifically. Often safety has been the main issue, but increasingly a more general approach to quality has emerged, in particular with a focus on quality indicators (QI).   It is now more than 15 years since Pronovost...

  • What Can Psychologists Do in Intensive Care?

    As awareness has grown of the great distress intensive care patients may suffer, units have begun recruiting psychologists to their teams. Intensive care unit psychologists aim to assess and reduce distress for patients, families and staff, to improve outcomes. This paper summarises research on the psychological impact of critical illness, highlights...

  • Clinical Pharmacist Role in the ICU

    We provide an overview of the various facets of pharmacist practice in the intensive care unit (ICU), the current extent to which pharmacists are present in the ICU, along with a discussion on barriers and lessons learned in garnering support for such a role.   Caring for critically ill patients in an intensive care unit (ICU) is considered...

  • Social Media: Blessing or Curse?

    Social Media in the “Real” World Social media is all around us, and enables real-time communication with patients, families and with colleagues. There are general social networks (Facebook), professional networks (LinkedIn), blogs (WordPress), microblogs (Tumblr) and media sharing sites for photos, videos and podcasts. The Wall Street fortunes of these...

  • Indirect Calorimetry to Measure Energy Requirements: From Consensus to Daily Practice

    Why Personalize Nutrition Therapy?   The need for personalized nutrition therapy for ICU patients is shown by several observational studies that measured the energy needs of critically ill patients. The 2005 study by Villet and colleagues found that patients with an energy deficit had an increased number of complications, especially infections...

  • Optimising Nutrition With an Integrated Nutrition Module: Myth or Reality?

    As a neurointensivist with a strong interest in nutritional support, I was delighted to trial a new integrated nutritional module. We know that nutrition really matters to our ICU patients in the context of first indicators. For example, our research group recently published a paper about two patients with viral meningoencephalitis. Invasive neuromonitoring...

  • Introduction

    The intensive care unit (ICU) is a complex environment, due to the surroundings, the heterogeneity of patients, caregiver turnover and the at times lengthy patient stays, which lead to increased complexity. The multiple technologies available add another layer of intricacy. However, with the modern tools available to the intensivist, it is now possible...

  • Quality

    An emphasis on quality of care has always underpinned healthcare, but in recent years quality measurement has come to the fore, as countries around the world seek to provide the best outcomes for patients while facing ever-increasing healthcare costs. In intensive care, despite the heterogeneity of the patient population, great strides have been made...

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