• Critical Care Medicine in Sri Lanka

    An Evolving Specialty Sri Lanka is steadily progressing to establish critical care medicine as a  separate specialty with fully trained intensivists and nurses playing pivotal roles, as in the developed world. Most general and teaching hospitals of the country already have fully equipped intensive care units. Establishment of an intermediate level...

  • Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine

    Interview with Professor Sharon Einav Professor Sharon Einav is Chair of the Intensive Care Medicine Subcommittee of the European Society of Anaesthesiology . She is Professor of Intensive Care, Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine, Director of Surgical Intensive Care and Chair of the Resuscitation Committee at Shaare Zedek MedicalCenter...

  • The Future of ICU Prediction Scores in the Era of 'Big Data'

    Fuelled by the growth in electronic medical record (EMR) adoption, the recent boom of Big Data analytics in healthcare affords unprecedented opportunities for developing new prediction scores for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) and beyond. Based on a review of scientific literature reports, however, Big Data science has added no new scores...

  • Vodcasting

    The Story Behind Cappucino With Claudio Ronco  Video on demand (VOD) is a popular way to keep updated in intensive care. ICU Management & Practice spoke to Prof. Claudio Ronco and Marta Scabardi, from the International Renal Research Institute, Vicenza Italy, about what’s involved with their video subscription channel “Cappuccino with Claudio...

  • Caregivers of ICU Survivors at High Risk of Depression

    A Canadian study has found that caregivers of ICU survivors experience symptoms of depression up to 1 year after their relative is discharged (Cameron et al. 2016). Factors associated with worse mental health symptoms included younger age and less social support and sense of control over life. Older caregivers caring for a spouse, with a higher...

  • Persistent Critical Illness

    A study of over 1 million ICU patients has found that just 5 percent of patients account for 33 percent of ICU bed days. The researchers, led by Theodore Iwashyna, MD, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Michigan (U-M) Health System and a member of the VA Center for Clinical Management Research and the U-M Institute for Healthcare...

  • Dedicated Resuscitation Unit Improves Transfer Times

    A critical care resuscitation unit (CCRU) at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) has significantly improved transfer times for non-trauma critically ill patients, according to a recent study (Scalea et al. 2016). In its first full year of operation, for the subset of adult patients admitted for critical care, transfers increased...

  • Clostridium Difficile

    A Public Health Threat That Should Be Routinely Included Within Care Quality and Patient Safety Programmes This paper provides an overview of the evidence confirming that CDI independently increases mortality risk in hospitalised patients, and argues for system-wide implementation of specific actions, including care bundles for management (not...

  • Implementation Challenges of Crew Resource Management

    Crew Resource Management (CRM) human factors awareness training is a useable tool in medicine and may fill a void in medical education curricula. Factors impacting CRM implementation into the clinical environment are identified. Human factors (HF) account for the majority of adverse events in highrisk environments, and human factors awareness...

  • Early Diagnosis and Prediction of Acute Kidney Injury

    penKid – A Dynamic Inflammation-Independent Biomarker Of Kidney (Dys)function Early recognition and close monitoring of acute kidney injury (AKI) is vital in the ICU, given AKI’s high prevalence and effect on length of stay and risk of re-hospitalisation and death (McCullough et al. 2013). As more becomes known about biomarkers, intensivists need...

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