• Effective Leadership: The Key to Successful Hospital Management

    Author: Sue Hodgetts   Chief Executive Institute of Healthcare Management [email protected] The Top Hospital Award ( www.chks.co.uk ) bases its criteria on five categories: Quality and change; safety; leadership; organisational culture; and external Influence. And although leadership is a separate category and specifies strong stable...

  • Uncluttered Management Thinking: Management Principles as a Way to Results

    Authors: Prof. Dr. Fredmund Malik, Dr. Johannes Flecker Imagine an operating room with surgeons and scrub nurses operating on a patient. Imagine they all had a different understanding of the word 'surgery'. Imagine they were unsure about their tasks, competencies, and responsibilities. Imagine they would evaluate their performance by the...

  • Are You Optimising Your Capital Equipment Investment?

    If you are a hospital executive or department manager, you know the "joys" of annual budgeting and capital planning. With the rapid advancement of healthcare technologies, people are seeing this yearly task morph into an even more complex maze of unknowns and endless requests for big-ticket items. That is why healthcare systems are adopting Capital...

  • Overview of the Polish Healthcare System

    Capital Stock and Investments In 2009 there were 754 general hospitals in Poland. The vast majority (526 or 70%) were public, and the rest (228) were private, representing 90.2% and 9.8% of general hospital beds. In the same year, there were 52 psychiatric hospitals. There are substantial differences in the proportion of public and private hospitals...

  • The Polish Association of Hospital Directors

    The association is a non-governmental organisation gathering directors of hospitals and other institutions in healthcare. The organisation is funded through membership fees, extra-budgetary centres and donations. An exchange of experiences and information is one of main tasks of the association in order to provide modern and effective functioning and...

  • Uncluttered Management Thinking » : Les Principes De La Gestion Fondée Sur Les Résultats

    L'« Uncluttered management thinking » permet de privilégier les éléments nécessaires et suffisants que tous les gestionnaires doivent contrôler à n'importe quel endroit, dans n'importe quelle situation, dans toute organisation, et en tout temps. Une gestion efficace se base sur le respect des six principes qui régissent la qualité du travail quotidien...

  • Assurer La Qualité Du Nettoyage Et De La Désinfection Externalisés

    On assiste à l'externalisation progressive des services techniques et administratifs pour soutenir les services « essentiels » des établissements de santé. Une norme a été développée pour encourager des pratiques de nettoyage et de désinfection des établissements de santé qui ne nuisent pas à l'environnement, ceci grâce à un système de contrôle informatique....

  • Aufgeräumtes Management-Denken: Prinzipien des Managements ebnen Weg zu Ergebnissen

    Unter aufgeräumtem Mangement-Denken versteht man das Aussieben aller überflüssigen Elemente. Manager müssen in der Lage sein, dies an jedem Ort, in jeder Situation, in jeder Organisation und zu jeder Zeit durchführen zu können. Effiziente Manger folgen sechs Grundsätzen, welche nicht nur die Qualität ihrer täglichen Arbeit bestimmen, sondern auch die...

  • Executive Summaries

    Effiziente Führerschaft: Der Schlüssel Zum Erfolgreichen Krankenhaus-Management Von Sue Hodgetts Es gibt drei Grundsätze der Führerschaft: Sie muss situationsbezogen, nicht-hierarchisch und relational sein. Der gesunde Menschenverstand sagt einem schon, dass Führerschaft situationsbezogen ist: Die jeweilige Situation...

  • EAHM

    WP-IT Managers Kicks Off with CEO Seminars in Vienna and Vilnius The Working Party IT-Managers (WP-ITM) has set the first steps in bringing CEOs and IT as well as CIOs and management closer together. The approach taken by the WP-ITM is a direct result of the reflection process held last year within the EAHM. The first regional seminars for...

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