• The Recipe for Good Governance

    In my role as a hospital manager I am still challenged to reach this goal everyday. Many years of experience in a leadership position do not guarantee the mastering of a perfect management style. One of the reasons for this is the need for continuous change. You have to adapt your leadership style and position as the values of staff members change...

  • 41st Ordinary General Assembly

    President of EAHM, Mr. Heinz Kölking welcomed members to the General Assembly and started by saying a few words about our dear colleague and long-standing EAHM member Asger Hansen who passed away in 2011. After a moment of silence the General Assembly got underway. Zurich 2010.This year’s agenda and the minutes from the 40th Ordinary General Assembly...

  • First Joint European Hospital Conference

    The morning section focused on current European health policy with a keynote presentation by Mars Di Bartolomeo, Minister of Health and Social Affairs, Luxembourg.The afternoon was devoted to the EU Directiveon Patients’ Rights and its impacton hospitals. The key presentation was given by Annika Nowak, European Commission and was followed by comments...

  • Fighting Infection With Eunetips

    Last October in Venice, Italy, 16 European professional and scientific societies from 14 countries involved ininfection prevention and control formed EUNETIPS- a European network to promote infection prevention forpatient safety. The goal of EUNETIPS to promote better cooperation among nations, to share experiences,to promote and support initiatives...

  • Heinz Kölking

    2011 Saw the Start of Your Mandate of President of EAHM. How was Your First Year in Charge and What did You Accomplish? As I have been active member of the association (Board and Executive Committee) for a long time now there is a certain continuity within the Presidency. The main activities of my Presidency focus on the implementation of the results...

  • (E)Hospital Pharma Supplement

    The rapid growth of pharmaceutical expenditure driven by changing demographics, strict clinical targets, rising patient expectations and the continued launch of new expensive drugs has become a contentious issue in the healthcare sector. New expensive drugs include new biological drugs marketed at considerably higher costs than previous standards,...

  • Drug Delivery Systems

    To acheive marketing approval, a molecule  undergoes different development  phases and a variety of studies need to  be carried out. A new molecule typically  involves preclinical testing in animals followed  by clinical trials in humans, after  which the application is submitted to regulatory  agencies for review. In case of new  delivery system,...

  • Eyesmart EMR

    IT @ Networking Awards 2012 - 3rd Place   The LV Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) was established  in 1986-87 at Hyderabad as a not-for-profit, nongovernment,  public-spirited, comprehensive eye  care institution. From its very beginning, it set forth  as its core values the “Three E’s”: Equity, Efficiency  and Excellence. Equity translates as treating...

  • Assessing the "Cost Versus Benefit" of Radiology

    All licensed drugs have trial evidence that  they work within their licensed indications,  otherwise they would not have been  granted a marketing authorisation by bodies  such as the European Medicines  Agency. Nevertheless they do not necessarily  have to work particularly well or sufficiently  well to justify their cost compared  with other available...

  • Healthcare in Norway

    Challenges, Plans and Solutions   Norway faces the same dilemma of many western  European countries, as the standard of living  improves and people’s life expectancy increases,  there are new challenges with an ageing  population and a growing number of people  with chronic diseases. An ageing society will be  a challenge for the Norwegian healthcare...

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