• The Next Step for Patient-Centred Care?

    Today we can’t imagine working without emails and online resources; the Internet has become an integral part of our everyday lives. In the future, I believe all organisations, including healthcare institutions, will feel the same way about social media. Through this article I want to introduce you to the most common forms of social media and illustrate...

  • Interview: Manfred Klocke, CEO of the Ecclesia Group

    Firstly, Tell Us a Bit About Ecclesia. What does the Company do and What are its Main Objectives? The Ecclesia Group as international insurance broker is representative of its clients' interests vis-à-vis the insurance industry. The company, which is independent of banks and insurers, belongs with its 1,300 employees to the major players in Europe,...

  • Top Tips for Hospital Managers

    Small institutions should eliminate the risk by outsourcing the preparation of cytotoxic drugs.  Otherwise, centralise the preparation of cytotoxic drugs under the control of the pharmacy department.  Involve the appropriate people within the pharmacy department in all aspects of planning and  design and operation of cancer chemotherapy services. ...

  • The Belgian Association Takes a Study Trip to Boston

    From the 19th to the 25th of September2011, the Belgian Association of Hospital Managers organised a study trip to Boston, the capital of New England. Around 40 hospital manager stook this great opportunity to visit arange of interesting hospitals. On the programme: Tufts Medical Centre, a world-class academic centre. This medical centre is the...

  • Ethical Governance

    Definition Ethical Governance refers to values and ethical behaviours, processes, procedures, culture, ways of doing and being that ensure high standards of performance, economy, effectiveness, efficiency, quality, satisfaction. Governance is the set of processes and abilities needed to achieve the objectives and fullfil the responsabilities...

  • How Ethical is Your Governance?

    1. Leadership, Behaviour and Management Style Presence of a charismatic leadership, highly competent, able to suggest and share the vision of the organisation which means having the ability to answer or knowledge to answer the question: “for whom and for what do we exist”. Able to create a culture of excellence and honesty. Able to promote and...

  • Supporting Clinical Governance Development

    As part of the communications strategy the need for succinct information on clinical governance was identified. This article provides an overview of the clinical governance development material prepared for this purpose. The objective was to inform the wider health community of the vision, benefits and guiding principles for clinical governance along...

  • Safe Handling of Hazardous Drugs

    Author  Jill Davis,  Interview by Lee Campbell     Firstly What are Cytotoxic Drugs and What  do We Use Them For?   Cytotoxic drugs are drugs that kill cells. They  are mainly used to treat cancer but can be  used for other therapeutic indications e.g.  rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis. Cytotoxic  drugs mainly kill...

  • The Winner of the IT@Networking Awards 2012

    It is globally recognised that the only way to effectively support continuity of care is to implement an electronic  health record (EHR) system on a large scale. The implementation of a national EHR is a high priority in  the e-health strategies of most countries, regardless of whether they are first world or low- and middle-income  countries. In...

  • Individualised Patient Stratification Using Whole Genome Sequencing

    IT @ Networking Awards 2012 - 2nd Place Introducing Innovation in  Healthcare   These advances in genomic medicine are  only possible due to the equal progress  in the information technology sector. The  diagnostic opportunities also bring new  challenges to medical centres regarding  privacy in general and the necessary ICT  infrastructure...

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