HealthManagement, Volume 13, Issue 5/2011

WP-IT Managers Kicks Off with CEO Seminars in Vienna and Vilnius

The Working Party IT-Managers (WP-ITM) has set the first steps in bringing CEOs and IT as well as CIOs and management closer together. The approach taken by the WP-ITM is a direct result of the reflection process held last year within the EAHM. The first regional seminars for CEOs in Vienna, Austria and in Vilnius, Lithuania have taken place with great success. During these seminars, CEOs were invited to look into the translation of the hospital strategic plan into an IT masterplan.

Before delving into the masterplan background on the topic was given to the participants from different angles. First, the problem of IT-governance in hospitals was discussed and linked with a typology of IT decision makers in hospitals. Secondly, different challenges in health informatics were presented together with different international initiatives to help the hospitals. Given this context, the seminars continued with the topic of IT-Strategy based on the mission and hospital strategy, which was further divided into system, organisational and resource strategy.

Once an IT-strategy is defined, the ITmasterplan can be started. Attention was given to the content and how to setup an IT-masterplan as well as its approval and implementation. In the last core session, attention was given to the follow-up of the implementation of the IT-masterplan for which some guidelines have been formulated. Part of the seminar was devoted to workshops in which participants worked together in formulating an IT-strategy and setting up an IT-masterplan.

The seminar in Vilnius was complemented with several cases which made the theme more alive, including topics such as the development of hospital IT and improving efficiency of healthcare institutions by implementing eSolutions. An exhibition in Vilnius gave the possibility for the participants to meet the partners and to discuss the possibilities of presented solutions.

Through these seminars the WP-IT has reached around 100 CEOs. The discussions made clear that hospital managers are aware of the growing role of IT in running a hospital and that the development of IT-infrastructure must be profitable and sustainable for the hospital so the hospital can fulfill its mission and objectives. It was also clear that interconnections are growing, in the hospital itself but also with other institutions and organisations. The situation may differ from country to country but national, local and also European authorities have a significant role in assuring that holistic and standardised information can be exchanged in an efficient way with the many actors healthcare in the best interest of the patient.

The WP-ITM is now looking into organising seminars for other regions in Europe.

Note: the presentations of the seminars are available on our website:

These seminars were made possible by the support of following speakers:
B. Carr (Adelaide Meath Hospital, Ireland)
Dr. Carl Dujat (promedtheus AG)
Gerhard Härdter (Klinikum Stuttgart, Gemany)
Gunther Kostka (Az Sint Lucas & Volkskliniek, Belgium)
Dr. Pierre-Michael Meier (Entscheiderfabrik, Germany)
Jos Vanlanduyt (EAHM)

and by the following partners:
KMS, Id Information Und Dokumentation Im Gesundheitswesen, Intersystems, Meierhofer, Ser and Vamed (Seminar in Vienna)

For more information, please contact: [email protected]