• Health Information Seeking Behaviour on the Web

    Eight out of every ten physicians report experience of patients presenting printed internet-sourced health information at visits, which suggests a new dynamic in the traditional doctor–patient relationship. This is one of the findings of the literature review on health informationseeking behaviour on the web that ECDC published recently. The purpose...

  • The EU’s War on Drugs

    Author: Rory Watson European authorities are gaining new weapons in their fight against counterfeit medicines and new synthetic drugs. At the end of October, the world's first international treaty to make dealing in counterfeit medicines and devices a criminal offence was opened for signature. A few days earlier, the European Commission announced...

  • Ensuring Quality of Outsourced Cleaning and Sanitisation

    Considering the gradual outsourcing of technical-administrative services to support the "core" services of health facilities, ANMDO, the National Association of Hospital Department Physicians and CERMET, a certification institute with extensive experience in the health sector, have developed a standard for good environment and health facility cleaning...

  • Clinical Laboratory Business Analysis

    An increase in expenses has led to the introduction of rationalisation in healthcare. With this comes the emergence of business operation analytics of each entity with a view to improve the business operations with unaltered quality of work. A hospital-based clinical laboratory is part of the healthcare system, but it can also be viewed as an independent...

  • The New Central Sterile Supply Department of University Hospital Authority

    St. Orsola- Malpighi Polyclinic The new Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) of the University Hospital Authority St. Orsola-Malpighi Polyclinic was inaugurated in September 2010. The CSSD collects functions of diagnosis and treatment of high technological impact, such as emergency room, diagnostic imaging, operating blocks and intensive care....

  • The Healthcare Forum, Krynica, Poland

    The Healthcare Forum is a discussion on the current and future situation in healthcare. Politicians, experts, doctors and industry representatives have the opportunity to discuss current problems in healthcare and possible solutions for the benefit of patients. "How much State in Healthcare?" was the motto of this year's Healthcare Forum. The role...

  • Un Leadership Efficace est La clé D’une Gestion Hospitalière Réussie

    Les trois principes fondamentaux du leadership sont qu'il est contextuel, non hiérarchique et relationnel. D'un premier abord, on s'aperçoit que le leadership est situationnel, c'est à dire que les décisions seront prises en fonction de la situation. Au sein même des situations, c'est le discernement qui est le plus important : il faut savoir déceler...

  • Executive Summaries

    Un Leadership Efficace est La clé d’une Gestion Hospitalière Réussie Par Sue Hodgetts Les trois principes fondamentaux du leadership sont qu'il est contextuel, non hiérarchique et relationnel. D'un premier abord, on s'aperçoit que le leadership est situationnel, c'est à dire que les décisions seront prises en fonction...

  • Editorial

    Solidarität- Nötiger Denn Je … Während ich diese Zeilen schreibe, bangen viele um den Zusammenhalt Europas. Mehrere europäische Gipfeltreffen waren nötig, um einige Mitgliedsstaaten langfristig zu stützen. Selbst wenn die vom EUMinisterrat getroffenen Maßnahmen auch effizient umgesetzt werden, bleiben den Mitgliedsstaaten weitere Turbulenzen...

  • EVKD News

    Die ersten Schritte sind gemacht: Working Party IT-Manager (WP-ITM) bringen Geschäftsführung und IT sowie CIO und Management näher aneinander. Der von WPITM gewählte Ansatz ist direkt auf den im letzten Jahr innerhalb der EVKD durchgeführten Reflexionsprozess zurückzuführen. Die ersten regionalen Seminare für CEOs in Wien und im lithauischen Vilnius...

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